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然后用抛光机抛光。Use polishing machine to polish.

水晶体、电子芯片等的抛光。Polishing crystalline lens and chip.

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这是所有的高抛光与斜面的边缘。It is all high polish with beveled edges.

以布轮代替砂轮可进行抛光。It can do polishing by hop-wheel replacing.

把主轴颈抛光至镜面。Polish the crosshead pin to mirror surface.

各种凹凸形圆孤面修磨,抛光。Polish various convex and concave arc faces.

同心加工和镜面抛光球。Concentric machined and mirror-polished ball.

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所有皮革鞋面包括一个抛光的第脚趾。All-leather upper includes a polished cap toe.

化学机械抛光是一种复杂的多相工艺。Polishing pad is a key component of CMP system.

抛光的底部闸板材质也可以是不锈钢。The finish ground gate is also stainless steel.

某处被风抛光的雪闪耀着光芒。And somewhere shining snow polished by the wind.

高级抛光,四向旋转。Highly polished stainless steel four-way swivel.

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这完全是高抛光的蓝色碳纤维嵌体。It is all high polish with blue carbon fiber inlay.

使用油石侧边进行抛光或去毛刺。Polishing and deburring using the side of the tool.

抛光的木材将给予轻微木纹纹理。Polished wood will give a slight wood-grain texture.

油石顶端和侧面均可用于抛光或去毛刺。Polishing and deburring using the tip or side of a tool.

我们有一次机会来清洗船舶并为铜件抛光。We had a chance to clean the boat and polish the brasses.

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通过抛光可以断定是否是单层油漆层。You can identify single-stage paint by polishing the car.

选择最好的抛光垫被使用与您的缓冲区。Select the best polishing pad to be used with your buffer.

油石的正面不具有抛光能力。There is no polishing ability on the surface of the tools.