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印得密密麻麻的书阅读起来很困难。Books with dense print can be difficult to read.

在弥留之际,他艰难地梳理密密麻麻的往事。So, painstakingly, he combed the thatch of the past.

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不要记得密密麻麻,留下补记的空间。Don't crowd the notebook. Leave space for annotating notes.

他们密密麻麻的漂浮着--哪里有多少天使?。They lie entranced, thick as -- how many angels were there?

他们密密麻麻的漂浮着--哪里有多少天使?They lie entranced, thick as -- how many angels were there?

它换新的叶子密密麻麻,荫盖了整棵树。It is replaced by new leaves dense, shade built a whole tree.

你去了瞿塘滟滪堆,紧挨着那条河,密密麻麻的漩涡。You went into far Ku-to-yen, by the river of swirling eddies.

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山上到处都是密密麻麻的松柏林。Everywhere on the mountain there are thickly dotted pine and cypress trees.

房门是用厚实的橡木做的,上面密密麻麻地钉满大铁钉。The door of which was heavily timbered with oak , and studded with iron spikes.

主要地铁站口的人流更是如蚂蚁行军一般密密麻麻的。The main stream of subway station is more like marching ants generally crowded.

因为普及教育、人口众多,学校里密密麻麻挤满了学生。Universal education and unusual fertility had packed itto the walls with pupils.

比伯带着一副热情的微笑,密密麻麻的头发向前梳着直垂到脸颊。Bieber has a warm smile and overgrown hair that he brushes forward into his face.

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那寺庙的红漆木门外,仍然是密密麻麻磕长头的信徒们。Outside the door painted in red, are the prostrators and believers doing praying.

在水弯处,红军尸体密密麻麻,一眼望去,湘江就是灰色的。In the water bend, the Red Army body densely, at first glance, Xiangjiang is gray.

它们密密麻麻地排列着,像是一座星的山,放射着万丈光芒的星的山。They crammed closely, like a mountain of stars, illuminating out millions of rays.

河边上密密麻麻的柳丛上的黄叶颜色鲜浓,象着了火似的。The thick willow scrub along the river flamed with sharp and positive yellow leaves.

走了一个时辰光景,他们走到了一棵矮矮的枝繁叶茂的树旁,树上密密麻麻地挂满了念珠。After an hour, the trail took the by a low, spreading tree strung thickly with beads.

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最后,目前密密麻麻的讼案将变得稀松平常,这一状况十分危险。Finally, there is a danger that the current intensity of litigation will become normal.

到了19世纪70年代后期,桉树,诺福克岛松树,竹子,香蕉全都密密麻麻成长起来。By the late 1870s, eucalyptus, Norfolk Island pine, bamboo, and banana had all run riot.

当他撩起衣服时,我看到他的腹部和颈部长满了密密麻麻的皮疹。When he lifts his shirt I can see his stomach and neck are covered in the telltale rash.