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无须管任何虚假的恐惧。And no false fear controul.

无须乎着急。There's no need to get excited.

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无须细说。It's unnecessary to go into details.

其实,无须对号入座的是我的心情。In fact, no pigeon-holing is my mood.

我能用无须拈指教训他们吗?Can I use the Wuxi finger hold on 'em?

那么你可以再来,什么都无须挂牵。Then you can return and not be afraid.

无须赘言,事不宜迟,这项改革年内一定会展开。Health care reform must happen this year.

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成者无须藏在面具之后。Winners donot need to hide behind a mask.

成者无须藏于面具之后。Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.

这个无须的年轻人拥有着非常柔和的面部特征,浓浓的眼线则重点突出了他的眼睛。His eyes are highlighted by thick eyeliner.

我什么都见过了,无须再看什么!I've seen it all , there is no more to see!

平静来自内心,无须自外界寻求。Peace comes from within. D not seek it without.

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事业无须惊天地,有成就行。Cause without so fantastic once, achievements do.

生命无须过百岁,健康就行。Life without over 100 years old, healthy will do.

员工无须遵从典型的朝9晚5工作制。Employees don't have your typical 9-to-5 schedule.

波兰无须白冠杜鹃公鸡。A Polish non-bearded, white-crested cuckoo cockerel.

但他们无须进口这些韩文字母。But they don't need to import the Hangul characters.

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加注并无须改变所在文档。Annotations without changing the underlying document.

为了这样做他们无须和布尔什维克主义决裂。To do this they had no need to break with Bolshevism.

生命无须过百岁,健康就行。Life without over a hundred years, health on the line.