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他外表瘦长。He has a reedy appearance.

他身材瘦长而结识,动作敏捷,身体强壮。He was wiry, quick, strong.

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这个男人,和这个女人都和瘦长。The man and woman are short and heigh.

2002年时他还是一个害羞、瘦长的22岁年轻人。Back in 2002 Yao was a shy, lanky 22 year old.

他身材瘦长并且象学者一样弯腰驼背。He had a long, thin body and the scholar's stoop.

最后一个瘦长瘦长的,块头小一些,一头不整洁的古铜色头发。The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair.

在一段视频中,一个瘦长的深色头发男孩立刻走近班迪特。In one clip, a lanky, dark-haired boy approaches Bandit instantly.

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插话进来的是一个年轻人,瘦长身材,一身牛仔衣。Those who interpose is young people, lanky stature, body cowboy clothes.

你召唤出一个野蛮瘦长的阴暗模糊的生物,完全听命于你。You summon a feral, gangly creature of shadow and mist to do your bidding.

这种辣椒身材瘦长,达5到7英寸,色泽几近乌黑,辣度中等。Medium-hot in flavor, pasillas are thin, 5 to 7 inches long and almost black.

他就像一个瘦长持久性有机污染物,从而节省了突出排次他的精力。He pops like a pogo stick, which saves his energy for the highlight-reel plays.

天使把福音传道者的佳音传给一伙有毒牙的瘦长匪徒。The angel told the evangelist's evangel to a gang of fanged gangling gangsters.

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例如,一个比较扁而小的空间,就不宜放瘦长之物。For example, one compares flat and little space, unfavorable put gangling thing.

一个黄脸皮,黑眼睛,瘦长的女人斜倚在睡椅上,这时微微坐了起来。A tall, dark-eyed, sallow woman half rose from a couch on which she was reclining.

五岁的我,深色的刺猬头,一双如月亮般浅棕色的,斯拉夫人的眼睛,瘦长轻佻的身躯。Me at five, dark spiky hair, moon pale with brown almost Slavic eyes, wiry, coltish.

他人长的高而瘦,一张瘦长的马脸从未见过露出半丝笑容。He was tall and thin, his face which looked like a horse face never appeared a smile.

它们可能接近圆形或者接近雪茄一样的瘦长形。They may be nearly circular or so elongated that they take on a cigarlike appearance.

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他满脸胡须,瘦长结实,一副教授模样,在戈勒姆附近的高中教授物理。Bearded, wiry and professorial-looking, he teaches high school physics in nearby Gorham.

乔鲁乌斯·瑟鲍思是一位身材瘦长、肌肉发达的男人,长着蓬乱的灰头发和大胡子。Joruus C'baoth was a tall, lean and muscular man with unkempt gray hair and a long beard.

高挑和瘦长,娇小跟丰满,结实的,有曲线的,柔软或肌肉发达的-我们都喜爱。Tall and gangly, small and busty , muscular, curvy, soft or sinewy — we celebrate it all.