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他们便极其困苦。They were in great distress.

我曾经经历过这样的困苦。I had suffered such privations.

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失败已使他习惯于艰难困苦。Failure inured him to hardships.

这沉重负担不久会使你困苦。This heavy load will crush you soon.

我曾经经历过这样的困苦。Everyone suffers privations during a war.

她同情他的困苦。She sympathized with him in his afflictions.

面对极端困苦而百折不挠。Perseverance in the face of extreme hardship.

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在别人眼里,他是困苦贫穷的象征。In others’ eyes, he was the symbol of poverty.

他艰难困苦的故事似乎说也说不完。The story of his trouble seemed to be endless.

他,也为所有困苦的灵魂垂泪He, too, had tears for all souls in trouble, 55

这当中又包含了多少的艰辛和困苦?How many hardships and dangers did it got through?

没有学问,才是困苦。He together is poor who does not possess knowledge.

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我太柔弱了,着这样的艰难困苦的世界里我活不了。I am too weak to live in this harsh and tough world.

一直都象斗鸡一样地和艰难困苦奋斗的人。People were fighting like gamecocks against adversity.

但一个坚强的男人是会忍受困苦而不抱怨的。But a strong man would bear hardship without complaining.

冒险者对危险和困苦毫不在意。The adventurer recked little of the danger and hardships.

他们都很自信因为他们没有感受过困苦。They are pretty confident because they never felt hardship.

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她的早寡注定了她要过困苦的生活。Her early widowhood condemned her to lead a life of hardship.

离开你是我在这一百年中所做过的最困苦的事。Leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever done in 100years.

我是因耶和华忿怒的杖,遭遇困苦的人。I AM the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of his wrath.