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不过,美丽的极光也可能形成于此。They can also produce beautiful auroras.

这些光亮造就了我们所看到的极光。The light creates the aurora that we see.

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今早刚看到这神奇的极光。Just saw some amazing aurora this morning.

达拉斯和约翰·希顿,极光图片社Photograph by Dallas and John Heaton, Aurora

我们把这一夜当作我们的极光之夜了。We figured this had to be our night for the lights.

在极光下方隐约可见密集的云层。Dense cloud cover is dimly visible below the aurora.

2001年的极光是该重新设计产品。The 2001 Aurora is the product of that re-engineering.

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在古斯堪的纳维亚语中,极光的意思是“鲱鱼鳞光”。An old Scandinavian name translates as “herring flash”.

位于高纬度的天空观察者应该小心极光。High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

人们看到最多的是黄绿色的极光。Humans mostly see auroras in shades of yellowish-green.

那印着极光的天空,变幻着,跳动着一抹抹鲜艳的色彩,也如魔法一般神奇。Skies that magically pulse with washes of vibrant color.

而且,极光的出现也预示着坏天气的来临。The appearance of the lights also predicted bad weather.

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极光吸收与太阳的活动性密切相关。The auroral absorptions are related to the solar activity.

极光的颜色通常是绿色和红色,在晚上可以看到。Frequent color is green and red. Aurora can be seen at night.

晚上10点半出发,开始第1个极光观赏之夜。At 10.30 pm we'll depart for our first night of aurora viewing.

极光嘶声则有明显的上截止频率和下截止频率。As to auroral hiss, there are upper and lower frequency cut-offs.

转动梦想时间的主轴绕极光旋转。The main spindle that turns dreamtime revolves around the aurora.

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在这个美丽的夜晚,横贯整个欧洲上空的极光。Aurora Borealis in the distance on this beautiful night over Europe.

请看情人节太阳耀斑引起的极光照片See pictures of auroras generated by the Valentine's Day solar flare.

就在这个时候,电报开始中断、极光秀上演。That is when the telegraph disruptions and auroral displays commenced.