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红酒木瓜靓汤的做法大揭秘!The practice of red wine a large papaya soup Secret!

德国科学家揭秘了最新一代的无人驾驶汽车。Scientists in Germany have unveiled the latest self-driven car.

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也许通过维基揭秘正好避开了那些分类约束。Maybe the WikiLeaks is a way of circumventing those restrictions.

本文将为您揭秘酒庄是如何给一瓶葡萄酒定价的。This article tells how a winery set the price for a bottle of wine.

他们坚持认为,维基揭秘网站创始人不会在瑞典得到公正的审判。They insist the WikiLeaks founder would not get a fair trial in Sweden.

这些文件由泄密网站维基揭秘披露。The documents were revealed by the whistle- blowing organization Wikileaks.

如果这仅需几分钟内就能揭秘,那么我还会找到别的什么信息?If this was what could be uncovered in just a few minutes, what else would I find?

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关于这个在硅谷肆意耍宝的顽皮孩子,这里要揭秘一些你可能还不了解的真相。Here are a few facts you may not have known about the Enfant Terrible of Silicon Valley.

揭秘网站‘维基解密’暂停发布保密文件。The whistle-blowing website Wikileaks is suspending its publication of classified files.

不过这招还真管用,一次他们从垃圾箱里找到TOPS-10的源代码,从而揭秘了好多东西。Once, they found a printout of the TOPS-10 source code, and it unlocked a lot of secrets.

还是实际上这些揭秘在一定程度上正是美国政府在小心的敲边鼓。Or are the leaks, in fact, part of a carefully orchestrated plot by the American government?

所以,为了对其机械上的问题进行揭秘,那些遇难者的家属们只能等待。And so, in order to solve the mechanical mystery, the closure for families would have to wait.

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这项发现可以揭秘第一批欧洲啤酒是如何在凉爽的巴伐利亚山洞里酿造而成的。The find reveals how the first batches of European lager were brewed in cool caves of Bavaria.

最终这个骗术揭秘将近50000字,包含了42种骗术。Final this legerdemain uncovers secret near 50000 words, contained 42 kinds of deceitful trick.

但是揭秘披露的这些内容表明中国政府工作人员在私下场合的表现要坦率得多。But these leaks show that China's government employees are capable of being far more candid in private.

其实阿清师傅能把手法在牌技网揭秘我觉得是牌技会员的幸运。In fact, my master the technique in network card technology secrets I think is member of the lucky game.

揭秘这些灭绝很久的生物,可能在当今世界也具有实际意义。Unlocking the secret lives of long-dead organisms may have practical implications in today's world, too.

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事实果然如此?还是实际上这些揭秘在一定程度上正是美国政府在小心的敲边鼓。But is it true? Or are the leaks, in fact, part of a carefully orchestrated plot by the American government?

加拿大科学家声称发现一个化石,这有助于帮助揭秘海豹如何从陆地哺乳动物进化而来。Scientists in Canada say a fossil they found helps to understand how seals developed from land-based mammals.

本文继续揭秘从丑陋的车体框架变成自然的可用的车辆。This post is going to tell you how baldy and ugly metal bodies of cars are take their natural, ready to use, form.