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珍妮默不作声地开始了她的工作。Jennie fell to her task in silence.

她默不作声没理会这句话。She passed by the remark in silence.

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思嘉默不作声,她的心在往下沉。Scarlett was silent and her heart sank.

在这个严酷的考验中,恒一直僵硬地躺着,默不作声。Through this ordeal Heng lay stiff and silent.

盖伯瑞尔失望地把目光移开,默不作声。Gabriel looked hopelessly away and did not reply.

这种牌戏在玩的过程中始终默不作声,所以叫做默和牌。In the process of its playing it is always silent.

拉维尼娅这么说的时候,萨拉默不作声。Sara did not answer when Lavinia said these things.

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他深更半夜默不作声站在那里,好像是来干坏事的。He was standing there by night like one intent on doing evil.

每次她向冉阿让问起她母亲的名字,冉阿让总是默不作声。Whenever she asked Jean Valjean, Jean Valjean remained silent.

他又一次拉起奥立弗的手,默不作声地继续往前走去。Then once more taking his hand, he walked on with him in silence.

有人汗流满面,有人大喊大叫,有人默不作声。Some people sweat, some people yell, some people get really quiet.

毛莱尔默不作声,唯恐在妻子面前过于喜形于色。Morel subdued, afraid to seem too jubilant in presence of his wife.

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普通的突尼斯人埋起头来,默不作声,只专注于工作。Ordinary Tunisians kept their heads down and attended to their work.

在关键时刻她突然变得默不作声,这让和谈半途而费。She fell silent at the key moment, thus the talk broke down half way.

如果你默不作声,我就隐忍着,以你的沉默填充我的心。If thou speak not I will fill my heart with thy silence and endure it.

在该国某些地区,来自卡特尔集团的威胁已经使传统媒体默不作声。In some parts of the country, threats from cartels have silenced traditional media.

那时候,我的膝盖开始颤抖了,我没有选择,只有默不作声了。At that point, my knees began to shake and I had no alternative but to keep silence.

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亨利·范德卢顿太太默不作声地听着表妹阿切尔太太的叙说。Mrs. Henry van der Luyden listened in silence to her cousin Mrs. Archer's narrative.

娜塔莎始终默不作声地坐着,皱起眉头望着他。Natasha sat the whole time without speaking, looking up from under her brows at him.

因此,东郭子默不作声地看着庄子,用祈盼的眼光,等待着他的解答。So, he looked at Chuang Tzu quietly with expectation to petition him for the answer.