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檐下有斗拱,脊檐皆饰有图纹。Under the eaves brackets, ridge eaves are decorated with patterns.

其建筑物的门楣、斗拱、梁拄,均有精美木雕。Its lintels, brackets and roofs all have artistic engravings on them.

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及斗拱与现代建筑模数的关系。It also introduces relations between the bucket arch and modern building modular.

和中国古代木造建筑从斗拱构思这个二个点保持一致、「?And China's ancient wooden buildings from the idea of this two-point brackets consistent?

斗拱是中国古代木结构建筑上的一种特有的构件。Bracket set is a kind of unique components in architecture of Chinese ancient wood structure.

同时异型的吊顶也是这次设计的一个特色,就像是斗拱的一种抽象,一种简单的元素符号。Meanwhile the alien condole is also a feature of this design, capitals as an abstract, a single element.

庙门口原有五间大牌坊,斗拱飞檐,气宇非凡,蔚为壮观。Temple in front of the original five large arches, cornices brackets, bearing extraordinary, magnificent.

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圣巴索教堂独特的尖顶,塔楼,圆顶和斗拱耸立在莫斯科的红场。The distinctive spires, cupolas, domes, and arches of St. Basil's Cathedral soar over Moscow's Red Square.

悬山顶,五踩斗拱,梁架结构与大殿做法略有不同。Suspended Peak, five stamping on the Dougong, Liangjia Basilica structure and a slightly different approach.

引入梁单元组模拟斗拱连接,从而建立了具有木塔较细致结构的有限元计算模型。The mortise and tenon joint of the structure is replaced by a special beam-element group in the finite element model.

主要论述中国古建筑的斗拱历史沿革,分析其时代风格及成因。The paper is to expound mainly the history of dougong in Chinese ancient architecture and analyze time style and cause of dougong.

整体建筑呈正方形,建筑形制为仿唐形式,结构类型为钢结构,斗拱为木构件。The whole building was square, architectural form as the form of Tang, the structure type is steel, the brackets for the wood component.

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韩国宫殿都是圆形椽子,斗拱也很少,石栏的装饰都是朝鲜鼓形。South Korean palace are round the rafters, Romanesque capitals which should also very few boulder fence decorations are north Korea form of a drum.

着种斗拱结构造工精致,不用一根钉子,完全采用榫头,榫槽相互衔接。The roof structure is supported by a wood en system of brackets are connected by mortise and tendon joints and not a single nail is used for connection.

坐西朝东,为双重檐歇山顶无斗拱砖木结构建筑,东西长25米,南北宽15米,占地375平方米。Sit toward the east, as he faced double rests the brick structure building, no longer the stuff of 25, covers an area of 15 meters wide 375 square meters.

将榫卯和斗拱的力学模型比拟为变刚度弹簧单元,进行了动力时程分析。By simulating the state of mortise-tenon joint and Dougong with the unit of varied stiffness spring, time-history responses of the structure were analyzed.

其最大特征是顶部巨大的中国传统的蓝色琉璃瓦四方攥尖顶,并在檐下饰以石质斗拱,属于全国重点文物保护单位。Its best feature is the great traditional top blue glazed tile-formed steeple and roof decorated with red vermilion , a key national heritage conservation units.

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作为世博会一大标志性建筑,中国馆屋顶设计取自中国古代建筑中的元素——斗拱。As a centerpiece of the Expo venues, China Pavilion will sport a distinctive roof featuring "dougong", a structural element unique to traditional Chinese architecture.

汉时代,统治者的墓室内壁、墓门、斗拱、石坊、祠堂的墙壁,都有画像石或画像砖砌筑。In the Western Han Dynasty, the walls, gates, bucket arches and tablets in the ruler's tombs and the walls in their ancestral halls were all constructed with stones and bricks.

大殿梁架和斗拱上有辽代彩画,四壁有元代壁画,历经近千年,而彩绘至今清晰可见。Basilica Liangjia and Dougong colored pattern on the Liao Dynasty, the walls are murals of the Yuan Dynasty, after the last millennium, and the painting has been clearly visible.