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杜鲁门大言不惭地说,原子弹是“历史上最伟大的东西”。The bomb "is the greatest thing in history, " Truman boated.

他举起战斧,在马镫上站起来,把那大言不惭的对手砍倒了。He raised his battle axe, and rising in his stirrups cut down the vaunting foe.

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抗议者有诸多理由对总统大人最后的,大言不惭的公开演说感到厌倦。The protesters had reason to be weary of the president’s final, delusional public performance.

你这么大言不惭啊?我见过你种的花草,看起来无精打采的。Where do you get off making such a claim? I've seen your plants and they don't look too healthy.

胡志强大言不惭地指责民进党,尽管国民党本身直到二十世纪九十年代都在与中国大陆对立。Despite the KMT's own standoffishness towards China until the 1990s, Mr Hu unabashedly blames the DPP.

我可以再次变成那个曾经傍晚穿着我最体面的衣服穿过萨里公园大言不惭地对你许下承诺的人。I can become again the man who once crossed the Surrey Park at dusk in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life.

周奔驰的英语突飞猛进,居然大言不惭地到一些中学做起了报告。Zhou Benchi made rapid progress in his English learning. And he proudly began to make speeches among some middle schools.

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每次都能看到有人大言不惭的用一些荒谬的观念哄他们的伴侣不带套上床。Everywhere I look, there are people spouting ridiculous untruths to get their partners to sleep with them without a condom.

我恨狄德罗,他是个空想家,大言不惭,还搞革命,实际上却信仰上帝,比伏尔泰更着迷。Diderot, he is an ideologist, a declaimer, and a revolutionist, a believer in God at bottom, and more bigoted than Voltaire.

因此想要吸引顾客注意,就的大胆、大剌剌,甚至大言不惭地宣传自己最明显的好处。Therefore, to be noticed, you have to be bold, brash and almost in-your-face about the most overt benefit you have to offer.

有一位棒球选手签下一份年薪高达八百万美元的合约时,他大言不惭地宣称自己的身价值这麽多。A baseball player signed a salary as high as 8 million US dollars contract, he claimed boastfully that his worth owned so much.

饱学之士也大言不惭地承认,他们尚不知霍桑和梅尔维尔为何许人。诸如此类的事是屡见不鲜的。And it was not uncommon to hear otherwise well-read men confess to an ignorance of Hawthorne or Melville without embarrassment.

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我恨狄德罗,他是个空想家,大言不惭,还搞革命,实际上却信仰上帝,比伏尔泰更着迷。I hate Diderot, he is an ideologist, a declaimer, and a revolutionist, a believer in God at bottom, and more bigoted than Voltaire.

有此行为的人更接近于一个不自信的大话王,他唯一肯定的事是自己的大言不惭。Such behavior is closer to that of a blowhard who may be insecure in his own abilities, but is certain of one thing — his own brilliance.

萨利姆·卡汉就是这样的放债者,他坐在一家小店铺里,大言不惭的表示说,当孩子生病或出门找工作需要钱时,人们就会来找他借贷款。Sitting in a small shop, Salim Khan said people approach him for loans when a child is sick or if they need cash to travel for migrant work.

才学丰富的人,他的名声自然会大。人们所佩服的是有真才实学的人,并非大言不惭的人。A person of outstanding ability will naturally have a good reputation. Admiration from others does not come from boasting or praising oneself.

他们还有很多东西需要向既有的太空技术大国学习,而且他们不想过分暴露自己的雄心,免得万一无法实现计划显得大言不惭。They still have much to learn from the existing space community and don't want to be too overt about their ambitions at risk of looking like they've over-promised.

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一次,保安们正在偷盗,恰遇主人回来,他们装作尽职尽责的样子,大言不惭地谎称巡逻中发现门开着,便来查看是否遭窃。Once security was being stolen, Qiayu masters back, they pretend they fulfill their duties, shamelessly lied that patrol found the door open, to see if they were stolen.