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这真是晴天霹雳。This was a thunderbolt in camp.

但很快一个晴天霹雳让他震惊。But soon a bolt from the blue shocked him.

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这消息对她真是一个晴天霹雳。The news of her death came as a thunderbolt.

噩耗传来,犹如晴天霹雳。The grievous news came as a bolt from the blue.

这消息犹如晴天霹雳。The news was like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky.

挂断电话的一霎那,晴天霹雳,感觉像是我的世界末日。I hung up the phone feeling like my world had ended.

他逝世的消息如同晴天霹雳。The news of his death was like a bolt from the blue.

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现在,好比晴天霹雳,这个可怕的消息突然降临。And now, like a thunderclap, had come this horrible news.

当他告诉我他离婚时,真是晴天霹雳。He really dropped a bombshell when he told me he's divorced.

遇战疯人的突然入侵,对绝地武士团来说如同一声晴天霹雳。The Yuuzhan Vong invasion came as a shock to the Jedi order.

我父亲的死讯传来,就像晴天霹雳。The news of my father's death came like a bolt form the blue.

比尔因成绩不及格而被学校开除对他父母来说真是晴天霹雳。Bill's flunking out of school was a bolt from the blue for his parents.

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当时听到这一消息,犹如晴天霹雳,我无论如何不敢相信这是真的。The news struck me like a bolt from the blue , and I could not believe it.

医生的诊断结果对乔治先生来说真是晴天霹雳。他得知自己患了癌症。The doctor's report came as a bolt from the blue. Mr George was told he got cancer.

公司要倒闭的消息传来,对全体职员来说犹如晴天霹雳。The news that the firm was closing down sown came as a bolt from the blue to the staff.

医生的报告对叶先生来说,真是晴天霹雳!因为医生说他德了肺癌。The doctor's report came as a bolt from the blue. Mr. Ye was told he had got liver cancer.

直到有一天,她平静地去世,所有你不曾为她做的事情像晴天霹雳砸向你的心头。And then, one day, she quietly died. And everything you never did came crashing down like thunder.

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大前年的8月3日,那天的天是多么阴沉,一件噩耗犹如晴天霹雳——爷爷去世了。Three years ago on August 3, the day of the day is how dark, a news came as a thunderbolt -- grandpa died.

身怀六甲的国秀仿佛晴天霹雳,不能接受这个现实,一个人悲愤离去。The country show in the family way like a bolt from the blue, not accept this reality, a personal grief away.

任何事情都有可能会改变我们,晴天霹雳,甚至会彻底改变我们的人生观!Every event has the potential to transform us, and disasters have the greatest potential to change our thinking!