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她感到不寒而栗。She shivers.

这个想法听起来可能让你不寒而栗。The idea may horrify you.

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然而,华尔街却不寒而栗。Yet Wall Street shudders.

那景象让我不寒而栗。The sight made my blood curdle.

就连想到牙医我都不寒而栗。Even thinking of it makes me shake.

第二次来的时候,却使我不寒而栗。The second time, it made me shudder.

1970年那次至今让我不寒而栗。One 1970 stop still gives him chills.

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想到那些岁月她不寒而栗。She shuddered to think of those days.

只要一想到此,就会令人不寒而栗。The very thought of it make one shudder.

她想起了辛酸的过去真是不寒而栗。She shuddered to think of her bitter past.

当发现那是我自己的笔迹时我不寒而栗。I recognized my own handwriting and felt a chill.

照片既令人不寒而栗,又透着一种萦绕于心的美。The photos are chilling and hauntingly beautiful.

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等她猛地转过头时,他不寒而栗。He shivered with fear when she slewed her head round.

一想到我闯的祸,就不寒而栗。I shuddered at the sought of all the trouble I'd caused.

吞咽一杯虫子蒸馏酒,这想法有没有让你不寒而栗?Do you wince at the thought of swallowing a tequila worm?

他想到要独自走进那所黑洞洞的房子就不寒而栗。He shivered at the thought of going into dark house alone.

她一想到捡起死兽就不寒而栗。She blenched at the thought of picking up the dead animal.

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我了解到了那令人恐怖的事实时,顿时感到不寒而栗。My scalp began to prickle as I realized the horrible truth.

她想到要独自走进那所黑洞洞的房子里去就不寒而栗。She shivered at the thought of going into the dark house alone.

当孩子们重复他们所听到我们说的话时,为什么我们会感到不寒而栗呢?Why do we shudder when they repeat the words they have heard us say?