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朋友们如何看待你?How do friends see you?

那您是如何看待它呢?And how do you see that?

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你又如何看待他们?How do you perceive them?

你怎样看待你的生活?How do you see your life?

他是怎么看待我的呢?What does he think of me?

看待我来说太贵了。Itas too expensive for me.

不要把我当白痴看待。Don't treat me like a moron.

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后人对我们将如何看待?How will futurity regard us?

您是如何看待这个委员会的?How do you view that council?

你是怎样看待克隆的?What do you think of cloning?

熊时怎么看待人类的?What did bears think of humans?

你怎么看待多样性这个问题?What do you think of diversity?

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不管你怎么看待她。however you want to look at it.

让我们重新思考和看待艺术?Let us re-think and look at art?

他讨厌被当作人妖看待。He hates to be seen as a she-man.

我们该怎样看待撒旦?How are we supposed to see Satan?

你今日如何看待这场争论?How do you see that debate today?

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你如何看待钢坯市场?How do you see the billet market?

让我们用全球化的观点来看待这个问题Let's take a global look at this.

把这当作一个身体内部的钟来看待。Think of it as an internal clock.