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州司临门,急于星火。State department rimmon, eager to spark.

从临门帕烈起行,安营在立拿。And they departed from Rimmonparez, and pitched in Libnah.

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我想要尽一份力,因为临门一脚总是最困难的。I want to help with that last push, which is always the hardest.

客厅面对门的柜子,可以放五个小茶壶,让壶口一致面对大门,取「五福临门」之意。Put five small teapots on a shelf in the living room facing the door.

亚雅仑和属城的郊野,迦特临门和属城的郊野,共四座城。Aijalon and Gath Rimmon, together with their pasturelands--four towns.

玥主动借钱给源,但债主临门,要胁将货搬走。He offering to lend source, but creditors, stalking rimmon goods move.

然而,在关键时刻,这一繁琐的层级关系显然是能来踢上临门一脚的。At key moments, though, this apparently fiddly hierarchy can be decisive.

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我们把今年的年度产品目录上的临门一脚。We're putting the finishing touches on this year's Annual Product Directory.

全会众打发人到临门磐的便雅悯人那里,向他们说和睦的话。Then the whole assembly sent an offer of peace to the Benjamites at the rock of Rimmon.

今天我听说交往了两年的男友对他的朋友说他要准备“临门一脚”了。Today, I overheard my boyfriend of two years tell his friend he was going to "pop the question".

我们表现得很好,创造了很多机会,但是临门一脚欠缺运气。"We played a good game and created lot of chances, but we we're a little unlucky in front of goal".

他还展示了非常全面的临门一脚功力,能在任何角度破门。而场下他也是一个很不错的家伙。Overall he has shown he is a great finisher from any angle, and off the pitch he is a great lad as well.

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只剩下六百人,转身向旷野逃跑,到了临门磐,就在那里住了四个月。But six hundred men turned and fled into the desert to the rock of Rimmon, where they stayed four months.

阿德巴约和范佩西都是优秀的球员,但是临门一脚总是不能让人满意。Emmanuel Adebayor and Robin van Persie have plenty of qualities but clinical finishing is not one of them.

在第四条诫命之下,乃缦的任务是陪伴他的主人去叩拜他们的国神-临门。Under the Fourth Commandment Naaman's role was to accompany his king to worship their national god, Rimmon.

他临门一脚屡屡与球门擦身而过,严重影响了他的信心,最终导致他在最后的点球大战中射失点球。His shooting was way off and confidence at an all time low resulted in him missing a penalty in the shoot out.

他能处理好临门一脚,定位球也很棒,他有破门得分的能力。所以我们很高兴看见他回到赛场。He can make the final ball, he is good on set-pieces, he can score goals, so we are very happy to have him back.

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又从玛拿西半支派的地业中给了他们他纳和属城的郊野,迦特临门和属城的郊野,共两座城。From half the tribe of Manasseh they received Taanach and Gath Rimmon, together with their pasturelands--two towns.

那日,耶路撒冷必有大大的悲哀,如米吉多平原之哈达临门的悲哀。In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.

只剩下六百人,转身向旷野逃跑,到了临门磐,就在那里住了四个月。But six hundred men turned and fled to the wilderness unto the rock Rimmon, and abode in the rock Rimmon four months.