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唐壁与程咬金交手没几个回合。Tang wall and cheng bite play gold few rounds.

卢克在泰雷丰与卢米娅交手,斩下了她的首级。On Terephon, Luke beheaded her after a struggle.

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主动交手这些任务,你的上司会由于从这些复杂事面脱身而口怀感激。Volunteer to take on the nasty tasks that annoy your boss.

因陀罗摧毁了维他的九十九座城堡,然后与维他交手。Vritra ninety-nine fortresses, and then came upon the dragon.

当他们交手的时候,围观的人群也不断发出狂欢的怒吼。As they sprang at each other, the crowd bellowed with delight.

他在法国为南锡效力,所以我和他交手过几次。He played for Nancy in France so I played against him a few times.

我非常钦佩他,能在周日与他交手是我的幸运。I have great admiration for him. I am lucky to face him on Sunday.

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每次两队在六国赛交手时,都会给胜者颁发这项奖杯。It is on offer every time the teams meet in a Six Nations contest.

他们仍有与黄蜂交手的机会,将会凭借一场胜利获得座次优势。They still play the Hornets and will own the tiebreaker with a win.

这就是一个7尺6寸的中锋与一个6尺6寸的大前锋交手时你所看到的画面。That is what you get when you have a 7-6 center against a 6-6 power forward.

他们在伯纳乌29次和皇马交手,只取得过两次胜利。They have faced the Madridistas 29 times at the Bernabéu, winning only twice.

值得一提的是,这几次交手竞争很激烈。One thing that stands out however, is how competitve the encounters have been.

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小流氓怎么能和杀过人的士兵交手呢?Small rascal how can with once kill people of does the soldier exchange blows?

但当于组织杀手交手时被瞬间秒杀并因此受了伤。But when the organization was hit by the killer and instant spike and thus injured.

每年各队互相交手一次,主场则是每年轮换一次。Each team plays each other once, with home advantage alternating on a yearly basis.

因陀罗摧毁了维他的九十九座城堡,然后与维他交手。Indra smashed through Vritra ninety-nine fortresses, and then came upon the dragon.

两队最近一次在联赛杯交手是在1992年的半决赛。The last time the sides met in the competition was at the semi-final stage in 1992.

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陈志强见到她的朋友,与之交手却发现无论如何都打不到她。Ck tan to see her friend, met with only to find that no matter what all cant hit her.

瑞士与西班牙交手19次,这是瑞士近85年来首次战胜对手。The victory was Switzerland's first-ever over Spain in 19 games dating back 85 years.

法国人预计在补赛中,两队在阿森纳主场的交手也会是一场艰苦的比赛。The Frenchman is expecting another tough game in the rearranged clash at the Emirates.