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关于告慰真情和漫随天边的的记忆?Man on the comfort of love and memories with the horizon?

帮助他们将是对逝者的最好告慰。Helping them would be the best tribute to their sacrifice.

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收藏,是对文化的尊重,对传统的告慰。It is a respect for culture and acknowledgement of tradition.

同事也告慰大家说丽萨布莱恩会被监禁很长一段时间。He warned Lisa Brown she would be going to prison for a long time.

哭出来,死者得到告慰,生者心里也好受多了。Crying out to be comfort the deceased, the living heart, or by more.

每人都必需背诵一段祷词,以此告慰波斯特的灵魂。As consideration for the gift, each boy must recite a prayer for Bost's soul.

在现实世界,我们总能告慰自己,最好给自己多留条后路。In the real world, we can always tell ourselves that it’s good to keep options open.

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国殇甚众,但战争胜利是对他们最好的告慰。Plenty of people have died in the war, but victory is the best consolation for them.

用更好的“活着”告慰亲人,要有更大的勇气和智慧。Better use of the "alive" comfort their loved ones, toh**e GREater courage and wisdom.

用更好的“在世”告慰亲人,要有更大的勇气和智慧。Better use of the "alive" comfort their loved ones, to have GREater courage and wisdom.

第二次高考,我以大学录取通知书作为奠礼,告慰了父亲的在天之灵。After my second exam, I sacrificed my father with my admission notice letter of the university.

我要努力学习以告慰爷爷在天之灵,我会加油的!I would like to study hard to comfort my grandfather in heaven, for which I will make an extra effort!

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您的参加本身既是对我们共同的朋友邓煜女士的告慰,也是对她的家人的安慰。It means a lot to the family that you are here, and it would have meant a lot to our friend Emily too.

安倍宣称,此行是为“告慰死者”,并展示“不再重蹈战争悲剧覆辙的决心”。Abe claimed that the trip is to "pay respect to the dead" and showcase "his resolve to refrain from war".

用茶祭神祀祖,祭天谢地,告慰神灵,期望得到神灵保佑,在民间形成风俗。It had formed a custom in folk taking fete with tea for worship gods, heavens and ancestors, and impetrating bless.

这个奖杯告慰了10年前遇难的球员和职员们。也是对巴斯比爵士重建球队的肯定。It was a fitting tribute to the players and staff killed and injured 10 years before and was Busby's crowning achievement as United manager.

被国营媒体广泛报道的周二的判决,既是为邓女士洗冤,也告慰了她的互联网支持者,但事情似乎并没就此打住。The ruling on Tuesday, widely reported in state media, was a vindication for Ms. Deng and her Internet supporters. But the story may not end there.

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海天爹带着喜冰找到海天和乐儿,说海家有规矩,要取出新生儿的血和海天的血混在一起去祠堂告慰祖宗。Haitian dad find sea ice and fun with xi, said the home has rules, to remove the newborns blood and the blood mixed together in comfort fathers to ancestral hall.

我们可以告慰张伯苓,告慰刘长春,告慰每一个为中华崛起而奋斗过的先人,我们将以自己的实际行动,实现百年梦想。Now we can comfort the spirits of Zhang Boling, Liu Changchun and all those who have contributed to the flourish of China by our actions to realize this great dream.

抗战结束,乔继山将陵墓中的宝物全部归还国家,还抓捕了最后一名案犯,以告慰死去的狼牙小队成员——他们无愧是“狼牙”精神的延续。The end of the war, Qiao Jishan will return all the treasures of the tomb, also captured the last man, to continue to appease the dead Langya squad members, is worthy of the wolf spirit.