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你会成为世界上炙手可热的冠军的。You're the world champion growler.

元彬是韩国炙手可热的财产。Won Bin is hot South Korean property.

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尽管平板炙手可热,联网电视却门可罗雀。While Tablets are hot, connected TVs are not.

雪人的这种形象很快就变得炙手可热了。This image of the snowman soon became lucrative.

眼下,帕奎奥是炙手可热的天字第一号。Now, Pacquiao is the hottest thing going in the world.

如果可以两头沾光,奥巴马将毫无疑问炙手可热。If there is a double-dip, Obama is almost certainly toast.

与她同台演出的是包括肖恩?佩恩在内的炙手可热的男星。And she co-acts with some hottest male stars, including Sean Penn.

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他是2006年炙手可热的政治财富,自然也是2008年的红人。He had been hot political property in 2006 and, of course, in 2008.

良好的三维动画师是最高度炙手可热的艺术家在世界的3D。Good 3D animators are the most highly sought-after artist in the world of 3D.

这块炙手可热的车位宽约12英尺,长23英尺,高为15英尺多。The hot space is about 12 feet wide, 23 feet long and more than 15 feet high.

宝莱坞最炙手可热的演员赫里尼克·罗斯汉右手有两个大拇指。Bollywood’s hottest actor Hrithik Roshan carries two thumbs on his right hand.

霍亚一直是最有号召力和最炙手可热的拳手。De La Hoya has long been boxing's most popular fighter and biggest attraction.

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比如,你在一家炙手可热的公司虽然做着打杂的活儿,但它能给你简历添金。Maybe you have a low-rung job at a hot company that adds value to your resume.

她和艾比盖尔是当今好莱坞最炙手可热的女演员之一。She and Abigail are two of the hottest female actresses in Hollywood these days.

福岛---这个东日本的小地方,最近已经成了世界上最炙手可热的地方了。Fukushima a small city in the northeast of Japan is the hottest place in the world now.

吴季刚,这位年仅26岁的设计师,也在一夜之间成为时尚界最炙手可热的人物之一。Mr. Wu, a 26-year-old designer has become one of the hottest names in fashion overnight.

中国和印度——世界上最炙手可热的两个国家——参与国际事务的积极性越来越强。China and India—the world’s two most populous nations—are becoming more engaged globally.

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他因其出神入化的吉他演奏技能而成为炙手可热的歌手之一。He is one of the hottest ones, which is because his fabulous skill on playing the guitar.

范斯克是国际间炙手可热的指挥家,经常出任世界各个最顶尖乐团的客席指挥。He was until July 2002 Chief Conductor of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in Glasgow.

美白霜曾经一度只针对女性销售。而如今这些产品在男性市场已炙手可热。Skin whiteners were once targeted only to women. Now the products are a hot commodity for men.