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他们担任什么角色?What roles do they play?

他担任牛津大学赛船的掌舵人。He coxed the Oxford boat.

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玛丽担任教师的职务。Mary functioned as teacher.

他也曾经担任过两江总督。He was also a governor here.

他在这部影片中担任男主角。He was starred in this film.

他介绍我担任这项工作。He recommended me for the job.

她担任胜队的末棒运动员。She anchored the winning team.

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教练叫他担任中锋。The coach played him at centre.

我仍旧担任教研员。Again I was his teaching fellow.

他聘请她担任这个职务。He engaged her for the position.

他的朋友担任其妻。His friends acted as pallbearers.

你在梅塞尔公司担任什么职务?Messer in your company, what job?

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赵某符合担任股份有限公司董事资格。Mr. Zhao can serve as a director.

次年,担任爱德华·布雷多克将军的助手。The next year, as an aide to Gen.

我们提名约翰担任我们班的班长。We proposed John for our monitor.

我将在本学期担任各位的导师。I will be your lecturer this term.

我不在时他担任主席。He acted as chairman in my absence.

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他就在这里担任过两江总督。He was a Liang Jiang Governor here.

我们将支持他担任公职。We will back him for public office.

由总理大臣担任首脑。It is chaired by the Prime Minister.