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到科比展现终结者本色的时候了。Time for Kobe to go Kyra.

它就展现在我的面前了!It was right infront of me.

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这次是他展现才华的唯一。And this was only a stretch.

放出点节奏,展现出爱,伙计。And throw dubs, show love, nigga.

还有,展现出最棒的自己。And to show the best of yourself.

你多久会展现出这种特质一次?How often do you show this trait?

请展现云儿的正面积极!Please show our positive attitude!

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我想展现人们的绝望,I want to show people's desperation

这展现的是不关心和不尊敬。It shows disinterest and disrespect.

耐烦是自负心的一种展现。Pusingience is a mark of confidence.

愿你们里尽情欢乐,自由展现。Wish you joy, freedom day here show.

是的,我就是想展现这样的复杂性。I wanted that complexity on the show.

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利用机器人再次展现你的梦境Re-enacting Your Dreams Using A Robot

多比透过琼斯的表演所展现出来的悲伤和痛苦一直紧紧扣着观众的心弦。heartstrings in his hour of distress.

一片美丽的景色展现在我们面前。It stages a beautiful scene before us.

主神有三神的神格但是不以三神展现。God does not manifest as three persons.

她的天赋在大学时展现出来了。Her talent blossomed at the university.

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他们从视觉上展现了毒品的特征。They were the visual signature of dope.

帕夏会慢慢地展现出它的狰狞面容。Pacha only reveals its terror gradually.

神的心是如何地展现于20节中?What is the heart of God shown in v. 20?