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是的,本乡家是相当贫穷的家庭。Yes, own home is quite poor family.

但是此时却发作了让本乡家不坚定的工作。But in this case, is attack let own home not firm work.

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马武窟溪自本乡东流入海之意。MA Wu Cave River Flowing east into the sea from this township.

我本乡野人,出身贫寒家,至今不忘却,自己是农民。I am a countryman born in a poor family and have been remembering my identity as a farmer.

我中兄治病,是治病于病情初起之时。一般人以为他只能治轻微的小病,所以他的名气只及于本乡里。Most people think that he could only rule minor minor ailments, so he's known only to the township.

似乎是有人给和美打匿名德律风通知她比来本乡家养了这只狗的音讯。Seems to be someone to play and anonymous DE law wind notify her own board have at home from the dog.

首先呢,担任本乡的榴梿王子呢,基本上一定要帅,因为帅他才有可能会得胜。First, to be our prince of durian, he must be handsome, for only he is handsome does he has chance to win.

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同样,你们对逃入避难城的人,亦不可取赎金,准他在大司祭死以前回到本乡居住。The banished and fugitives before the death of the high priest may by no means return into their own cities.

本乡森林资源极为丰富,是安溪县木材、毛竹主产区。The native village forest resources is extremely rich, is the Anxi county lumber, the bamboo host production area.

有些桥和渡船,使本乡与外乡交通。所有的街道都铺平得好而且整齐。There are bridges and ferryboats for communication with other villages. All of the streets are well paved and clean.

一般人以为他只能治轻微的小病,所以他的名气只及本乡里。The average person thinks he only can treat the slight slight illness, therefore his fame only and in native village.

父亲回家就喊道,“这是本乡这种树中唯一的一棵,是我花很多钱买来的。”"his father cried when he came home . "It was the only tree of its kind in this country, and it cost me a great deal of money.

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所以,当他下令要全国人民报名上册时,所有人都赶回自己的本乡报名上册去。So when he decreed that a census should be taken throughout the empire, everyone went hurrying to their place of origin to be registered.

在本乡镇上,木料的价钱几乎日夜在涨,唯一的问题是今年比去年涨多少。In this town the price of wood rises almost steadily, and the only question is, how much higher it is to be this year than it was the last.

宋家钰认为“牒件通当乡”说明它是县府通知各乡呈报本乡户口统计数。Song Yu that "dispatch items pass when the villages, " that it is the county government to inform the communes reported Hongo accounts statistics.

以上所述是我本乡中一种泡茶方法的实际素描。这个艺术是中国的北方人所不晓的。The above is a strict description of preparing a special kind of tea as I have seen it in my native province, an art generally unknown in North China.

你可以把本国出品,纯粹的土产输出,许多的冰、松木和一点儿花岗石,都是本土本乡的地道产品。You will export such articles as the country affords, purely native products, much ice and pine timber and a little granite, always in native bottoms.

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张太太上海话比丈夫讲得好,可是时时流露本乡土音,仿佛罩褂太小,遮不了里面的袍子。Mrs. Chang spoke Shanghainese better than her husband, but her native accent often showed through like an undersized jacket that doesn't cover up the gown underneath.

因为乃缦若往以色列去,就等于背弃本乡的异教神明,难免招致本国人批评他使国家军事力量陷入危机。For Naaman to go to Israel, it would mean turning his back on the local pagan gods, inviting criticism from his countrymen for putting the military might of his nation at risk.

上帝对那些自觉被放逐的人,与他们同在的恩典格外显明,就像从前他们在本族本乡时一样。The LORD who places His people where they feel as exiles will Himself be with them and be to them all that they could have had at home, in the place of their solemn assemblies.