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我不喜欢他那幅专横的态度。I dislike his dictatorial manner.

唉,为什么,既怵于时光的专横。Alas why fearing of time's tyranny.

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不会说话的计算机明显也是专横的。Dumb computer is obviously bossy too.

专横已然过时,团队合作才是正理。Being bossy is out and teamwork is in.

大多数时候,她很专横和固执,Most of the time she is bossy and pushy,

他行事专横,我们大家都讨厌他这一套。He domineered, and the rest of us hated it.

专横的护士长脸上滑落点点泪珠。Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse.

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警察的专横行为激起了公愤。The arbitrary police action provoked the public.

他那专横的口气激怒了大家。His peremptory tone of voice irritated everybody.

他那专横的语气激怒了大家。His peremptory tone of voice irritated everybody.

盖尔人是一个穷兵黩武,专横暴戾的贵族阶层。The gaels were a military and oppressive aristocracy.

全体成员因为会武断专横而罢免了他的职务。The membership ejected the chairman for his peremptoriness.

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不过我喜欢高傲,专横,威风,任性的自己。But I like the arrogant, imperious, imposing, self-willed I.

专横的护士长脸上滑落点点泪珠。凯伦则兴奋的涨红了脸。Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse. Karen glows.

他们发现,强制的力量并不总是来自专横的父母。Coercion doesn't always come in the form of domineering parents.

进步的领导者,然而,不应该是专横的。Progressive leaders, however, are not supposed to be dictatorial.

为了使艺术从自我表达中达到一个专横的自由。To make art was to achieve a tyrannous freedom from self-explanation.

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这也许比事事横加干涉和傲慢专横的行为要好。That's probably better than constant meddling or overbearing behavior.

在人类世界里,相似的情况是运动场上的强者和专横的老板。The human equivalents include the playground bully and officious boss.

它自信而专横、缺乏耐心、兴奋并有着敏锐的直觉。It is cocksure, impatient, cold, exciting and instinctively perceptive.