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即行动始于舆论。Actions proceed from opinions.

公众舆论也许会一致起来。The public opinion may solidify.

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他对舆论反应不灵敏。He is insensitive to public opinion.

终于舆论哗然。Public opinion at last became vocal.

两边的社会舆论被同时激起。Public opinion is aroused on both sides.

媒体试图控制公众的舆论导向。The media tries to control public opinion.

这是在有意误导中国舆论。This is an effort to misdirect public opinion.

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中国对网络舆论压力敏感么?Is China susceptible to international pressure?

弗里丹为妇女编写的舆论研究。Friedan prepared an opinion study for the women.

这显然是为了蒙蔽舆论。This is clearly designed to befuddle the public.

然后您就站一边儿偷笑吧,公众舆论将予以处置。Then stand aside and let public opinion hang them.

公众舆论不等于新闻舆论或舆论宣传。Public opinion is unequal to propagandas or report.

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大胆干吧,别让舆论束缚住你旳手脚。Do as you think, don't be hogtied by public opinion.

大胆干吧,别让舆论束缚住你的手脚。Do as you think, don't be hogtied by public opinion.

公众舆论可以迫使政府采取行动。Public opinion can force the government into action.

爵士演唱会被报刊和电视大造舆论。The gig was given a big buildup on both press and TV.

舆论监督是网络传媒的一项职能。Supervision is a task of internet communication media.

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然而,民众舆论仍然落后于政治。Public opinion still lags behind the politics, however.

但是公众舆论压力和焦虑产生了损失。But the strain of publicity, anxiety had taken its toll.

欧巴马赌注他自己可以改造全球舆论。Mr Obama is gambling that he can reshape global opinion.