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萧条和复苏的过程是盘根错节的。The process of recession and recovery are intricately intertwined.

地面盘根错节,树身枝干缠绕。Their roots bulked above the ground and the branches were twisted.

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第二名和第三名分别是“盘根错节”和“煮豆燃萁”。The second and third are "deep-rooted" and "Zhudou burning dichotoma.

众所周知,缩小差距面临着许多障碍,有些障碍盘根错节,相互纠缠在一起。As we all know, closing the gap faces many, sometimes interacting, barriers.

音乐有魅力去抚慰那狂野的胸怀,软化岩石,或折弯那盘根错节的橡树。Music has power to soothe a avage brest, to soften rocks or bend a knot oak.

尼拉贡戈火山的火山管道构造复杂,宛如树木盘根错节。Nyiragongo has an intricate plumbing system, widespread as the roots of a tree.

看这些树盘根错节的样子也是一种艺术享受啊。Seeing these interlocked roots and branches is also a kind of artistic enjoyment.

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然而,积压房地产状况十分复杂,盘根错节,要想盘活,谈何容易?However, the backlog of real estate situation is very complex and difficult, if invigorated , no?

有几条从空而来的树根沿着树身爬下来,在树的底座绕成一个盘根错节的黑圈。Some of its aerial roots, creeping down along its trunk, had formed a dark complication of coils at its base.

眼看问题经纬万端,进退两难、入困境,死路一条,盘根错节的命定可能性,但找不到明显的出路。I see conundrums, dilemmas, quandaries, impasses, gnarly thickets of fateful possibility with no obvious way out.

计生部门是一个盘根错节的庞大既得利益团体,在不同层级政府中,都死命想维持现状。The family-planning bureaucracy is a vast and entrenched interest group defending the status quo at all levels of government.

它显示出,当盘根错节的世界粮食贸易给疾病调查带来难度时,要确定感染源头是件多么困难的事情。It shows how difficult it can be to pinpoint the source when investigations are complicated by the intricacies of world food trade.

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你们工作到三更半夜,盘根错节的论文一再地让你们在找出解决方法还是一头钻进研究之间弄得进退两难。You are working well past midnight, the thesis turned into a maze and you constantly are tom between wanting to find the way out or in.

如何让世界不再忍饥挨饿,而又不造成更加严重的气候危机,是个盘根错节的问题。Finding a way to lift the world out of perpetual hunger without creating an even worse climate crisis is an intricate, interwoven problem.

事实上,他会发现,善与恶以及果实累累与不结果实的树根,都在大地沉默的心里盘根错节缠绕在一起。And verily he will find the roots of the good and the bad, the fruitful and the fruitless, all entwined together in the silent heart of the earth.

被无数盘根错节的未来包围着,难怪那么多毕业生会选择他们了解的职业最终走上了和父母一样的道路。Surrounded by these endless spiralling futures, it is no wonder that many a school-leaver sticks with what they know and follows in parental footsteps.

这是两棵迎客松,它们盘根错节,摆动枝叶向你们招手致意,欢迎大家的到来,愿你们像松柏常青、永葆青春年华。Two greeting pines with twining roots and complex knags are waving to welcome your coming. May you live a long life and be young forever, like the pines.

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我们把它当做一部盘根错节的史诗巨作,更新了一些章节内容,包括乔布斯的在苹果的重生,以及亿万富翁盖茨贡献出其资产到全球去行善。We see this as a sprawling epic, with updated chapters about Jobs' rebirth at Apple and billionaire Gates giving his fortune away to good causes around the world.

何不更新换代让你的绿色社区赶上迭升的保密级别,在公共绿地上稳健地建起盘根错节的住房与服务网络。Why not stack your green community into levels of increased privacy and achieve a meandering network of housing and services, tightly nestled in a green parkland?

当然,在黄果树没有大自然作用下摇摇欲坠的寺庙,但是却不乏被大树的盘根错节箍定的岩石。Of course, here at Huangguoshu there are no crumbly temples that nature has decided to reclaim, but there are plenty of rocks upon which the trees have staked out their claim.