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通过选择。By choice.

我选择这样做。I chose to.

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选择键。Select key.

但我选择不。I choose not.

上帝选择了你,你受之无愧否?God chose you.

如何选择投连?。How to choose ?

我选择不携带。I chose not to.

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但是,他选择了不做。He chose not to.

我选择了俄语。I chose Russian.

让他们选择。Let them choose.

选择一个映像。Select an image.

我们还有选择。We have options.

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您可以选择。You have choice.

我们的老师选择。Our teacher dran.

她选择表演。She chose acting.

我们有一个选择。We have a choice.

选择一个记录员.Choose a recorder.

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他只是选择了你。He just chose you.

我有两个选择,逢场作戏或直言相告。I had two choices.

那么如何选择呢?So what to choose?