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鹿类为植食性,以草、嫩枝、树皮及芽为食。Deer feed on grass, twigs, Bark, and shoots.

由肌肉转变为可食性肉,到最后的嫩化成熟是一个复杂过程。It is complex process that the muscle change to meat.

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植食性食谱在此时仍是非常重要The plant diet at this point was still quite important.

食性分化推动了同域物种形成。Host plants differentiation accelerates sympatric speciation.

吃其它鱼类为生的掠食性鱼也会累积污染物。Predatory fish that eat other fish also build up contaminants.

这样以草食性动物为食的袋狼就没有了食物。This herbivorous animals to eat the wolf bag, there is no food.

人类的饮食由植食性发展为含肉类的饮食Then going from a plant based diet to a diet that included meat.

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它们越早就范,成为掠食性鱼类盘中餐的风险就越小。Themore quickly she gives in, the less likely she'll be fish food.

食性以底栖动物、水生昆虫以及鱼类幼体为主。The fish feed on benthos, larva of aquatic insect and other fishes.

牠们是有长尾巴的掠食者,猎食其他草食性兽孔目动物。They were long-tailed predators that hunted other herbivorous therapsids.

植食性昆虫较捕食性和中性昆虫多。Phytophagous insects were more abundant than predatory and neutral insects.

鸟脚龙是第一种用人工草食性恐龙的幼苗培养的种类。The ornithopod is the first hatchling of a brood of plant-eating dinosaurs.

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兔的俗称,是哺乳类兔形目、草食性脊椎动物。The commonly known as rabbit, mammals LAGOMORPHA, herbivorous invertebrates.

以植物现存量计算,草食性鱼类的年生产力应为78.75吨。The estimated potential annual production of herbivorous fish is 78.75 tons.

大象是草食性动物,吃草、水果、树叶、树枝及树皮为生。As herbivores, elephants feed on grasses, fruits, leaves, branches, and bark.

植食性土壤动物通过直接取食根系,加速细根的死亡和周转。Root herbivores accelerate root death and turnover via consuming root tissues.

将可食性膜用于鲜切葡萄的保鲜,并且取得了较好的效果。The fresh-cut grape treated with edible coatings has obtained the better effect.

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植食性昆虫切断植物分泌管道的行为是否促进寄主范围扩张?Do canal-cutting behaviours facilitate host-range expansion by insect herbivores?

加工厂主要进行大黄鱼的深加工及鱼食性饲料的生产。The processing factory is for processing yellow croakers and producing fish food.

有过半种类为多食性,近半为寡食性或仅知一种寄主。More than a half polyphagous, nearly a half Oligophagous or knowing only one host.