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第四章见义勇为行为立法完善的构想。Chapter 4 The idea of perfecting the law.

他见义勇为地拯救落水儿童。He acted heroically saving the child from drowning.

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一次见义勇为胜过百次豪言壮语!A hero is more than one hundred times grandiloquence! ! ! ! !

人人都赞美他这种见义勇为的精神。Everyone admires his spirit of doing boldly what is righteous.

但不知道大家有没有发现,现在很多见义勇为的都是外乡人了。But do not know everybody has been found, now many heroic were strangers.

他那种见义勇为的精神是难能可贵的。His spirit of being ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause is commendable.

如何科学地分配这三种责任,是今后见义勇为统一立法中一个值得关注的问题。How to distribute the responsibilities is a hot issue for the legislation of this.

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在加拿大,每个省也都有自己的一套关于见义勇为行为的法律。In Canada, too, each province has its own set of laws concerning Good Samaritan acts.

我想,当见义勇为的人士实施义举的时候,总有一个风险存在。I suppose a risk is always present when the good Samaritans set out for their actions.

对见义勇为行为的认定是对见义勇为者予以社会保障的前提和基础。The identification of such heroic action gives the premise and foundation to social protection.

见义勇为法律化的首要问题是对之应有一明确的界定。The paramount problem for legitimating such a type of actions is to give them a clear definition.

对见义勇为人员实行精神鼓励与物质奖励相结合的原则。The principle of combining spiritual encouragement with material awards shall be carried out on VFF.

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第四章是见义勇为行政法调整的现状。The fourth chapter is the present situation of Administrative Law adjusting the act of Good Samaritan.

我们正在寻找那些见义勇为、乐于助人、勇气可嘉的人,年龄不限。We're looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery, kindness or courage.

他现在的乐趣就是见义勇为,每天在家练习打坏人的方法。His present's pleasure is behaves righteously , every day practices in the home to destroy person's method.

就互帮互助、见义勇为进行制度调整就是无因管理的法律制度。Negotiorum gestio is a legal institution that regulate helping each other and acting bravely for a just cause.

提到周国云,不禁地令人想起他2007年见义勇为勇抓嫌犯的事迹。Zhou mentioned that cloud, can not help but reminiscent of his 2007 arrested suspects courageous deeds of courage.

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本文在基本内容方面主要是从加强男女平等教育、尊老爱幼教育、互爱互助教育、见义勇为教育等四个方面来进行简述。The article mainly discusses the education strengthening of equaling between husband and wife, respect for the old and the love for the young.

见义勇为人的权利难以得到保障,导致人们在实施见义勇为时多有顾忌,甚至导致见危不救时有发生。The rights of courageous people is difficult to be protected, which make people think more before help, even some people don't help when they can.

又摧毁「狂天集团」的研发计划,将惩恶扬善、见义勇为的精神发挥的淋漓尽致。Moreover, Leo has also succeeded in ruining the invention plan of the 'Crazy Gangster Group' displaying poetic justice and chivalry to the full extent.