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你喜欢现代舞吗?Do you like modern dance?

我在学校学跳现代舞。I am learning modern dance in school.

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我最喜欢现代舞拉!Comtemporary dance interested me most, haha.

我曾跳过现代舞、街舞、爵士舞和进阶爵士舞。I have done modern, hip—hop, jazz and advanced jazz.

她过去一直是纽约一家现代舞公司的舞蹈演员。She'd been a dancer with a modern dance company in New York.

2005年,成为上海后现代舞团—“组合嬲”的音乐制作人。He started to make music and sound design for Zuhe Niao In 2005.

本演出是对皮娜?鲍什这位已故现代舞大师的致敬之作。This performance is in honor of modern dance legend Pina Bausch.

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特别是香港城市当代舞蹈团的曹承渊对推广现代舞也发挥了重要作用。Dance Troupe have played a great role in promoting Chinese modern dance.

噢,对不起,我不喜欢。为什么不问一下丽爵,她喜欢现代舞。Oh, sorry. I don't like them. Why not ask Lily. She likes mod-ern dance.

她也考获DFAA现代舞基本考核教师证书。She also is one of the DFAA Contemporary Fundamental Examination teacher.

我妈妈是现代舞演员,我爸爸是个灯光设计师兼技术人员。My mom is a modern dancer and my dad is a lighting designer and technician

说唱和舞蹈的结合,一个新实验性的现代舞演出。When hiphop and rap merge with modern dance, a new experimental experience.

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加之现代舞的训练提倡舞者的即兴创造。In addition, because modern dance encourages improvisation from the dancers.

再次感谢广东现代舞团给一个非专业舞者这样一个舞台。Thanks to Guangdong Modern Dance for giving a stage to unprofessional dancers.

除这以外还有现代舞、民族舞等各类舞蹈。In addition to this other modern dance and strength and other kinds of dancing.

演出节目内容形式多样,有戏装舞、现代舞、嘻哈舞和民族舞。The group has wide repertoires including costume, modern, hip hop and folk dances.

王玫的现代舞实验将走向何方?中国现代舞将何去何从?But, in which direction will Wang Mei's creation and Chinese modern dance be going?

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兰巴达,源自巴西的快步现代舞,也叫贴身舞。Lambada, a fast modern dance originally from Brazil, also named dance next to skin.

特别是香港城市当代舞蹈团的曹承渊对推广现代舞也发挥了重要作用。Contemporary Dance Troupe have played a great role in promoting Chinese modern dance.

学会从专业舞蹈演员过时在这个自由的现代舞技巧视频转。Learn to passe turn with tips from a professional dancer in this free modern dance video.