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神父的酒窖和食品库。Their butteris and larders.

该酒窖藏潜力为八年。The cellaring potential is 8 years.

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他为自己建造了一个酒窖。He constructed a wine cellar for himself.

酒窖可酿造白葡萄酒、桃红葡萄酒和红葡萄酒。The bodega makes white, rosé, and red wines.

他们修建大房子,也希望有酒窖。They're building big houses and want a cellar.

该酒窖拥有现代化的酿酒设备。The Bodega has modern winemaking installations.

此酒可在酒窖中存储两至三年。The wine can be cellared for two or three years.

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你知道,他有一个很大的值得炫耀的酒窖。You know, he had this big sort of show-off cellar.

五粮液的一些酒窖已成国宝。Some cellars in Wuliangye have become national treasure.

地下则为视听室与酒窖。Compared with audio-visual room and underground wine cellar.

他有个特别大的那种特张扬的酒窖。He had this big, you know, sort of show-off cellar, you know.

姚明酿造葡萄酒,但是他的体形并不适合待在葡萄酒窖里。Yao oing makes wine, but he doesn't really fit in the cellar.

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必须把葡萄酒存放在恒温酒窖中吗?Do I have to store my wine in a temperature-controlled cellar?

谁要说自己对葡萄酒有发言权起码得有个酒窖。To claim any knowledge of wine one must at least own a cellar.

同时,酒窖也是你与朋友分享激情时刻的好地方。A cellar is also a great way to share your passion with friends.

一家成熟的熊场基本都会全产业链经营——养熊场隔壁即是酿酒的酒窖和机器,熊胆直接制成熊胆酒。A mature bear field will run a whole industrial chain management.

这些酒瓶神不知鬼不觉地从酒窖离开了这里。They had mysteriously found their way there from the wine cellar!

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它们神不知鬼不觉地从酒窖来到了这里。They had mysteriously found their way there from the wine cellar.

这些酒瓶神不知鬼不觉地从酒窖来到了这里。They had mysteriously found their way there from the wine-cellar!

他的酒窖内共有27,000箱葡萄酒,已经达到了最大储藏能力。At around 27,000 cases, his storage facilities are filled to capacity.