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土里土气土耳其四人行。Four people in Turkey.

那时候,我一度排斥格子,觉得格子一点也不时髦,土里土气的。At that time, I once exclusion lattice, that grid is nothing trendy, rustic of.

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果。它们常常看起来很笨重并表现出一种土里土气的样子。Fruit. They usually look very bulky and express a kind of exterior with rural world.

虽然他穿的衣服料子很好,但缝制费是便宜的,式样是土里土气的。Best though it was, his suIt'smacked of cheap tailoring and bucolic unfashionableness.

她有一套理论,认为血统应该杂一些,而艾达呢,尽管土里土气,却很健康。She had a theory one ought to cross breeds a bit, and Ada, though sub-urban, was healthy.

这个土里土气的学生点点头,咧嘴笑了,然后走上讲台。The redneck student replies with a nod and a grin, and begins to make his way up to the podium.

保证让您享用到湘西土匪蛇以及农家三下锅等“土里土气”的地道土家美食!Ensure that you enjoy Xiangxi bandits , as well as farmer's three hack snakes and other "earth rustic" cuisine Tujia tunnel!

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他也想使动力织机运转,但在他的种种艰苦努力之后,织机只生产了一小块土里土气的毛巾就停止转动。He had also wanted power- looms to work, but after all His travail only one little country towel was born, and then the loom stopped.

阳光衣着土里土气的衣服被推到前台,同时大屏幕上显现出后台装扮阳光的细节。The sun is pushed the rustic clothing clothes to the front desk, and that the big screen showing the background details of the sun to dress up.

当然,青少年往往会一口否认这一点,他们怎能相信土里土气的父母亲会对他们产生任何影响,尤其是在宗教方面。To be sure, teens often deny outright any possibility that their uncool parents could possibly influence them in any way, and particularly in regard to religion.

为了满足牧羊工作的自然倾向,柯利犬必须有结实和活泼的物理体格。没有任何土里土气或粗糙。To enable the Collie to fulfil a natural bent for sheep-dog work, its physical structure should be on the lines of strength and activity, free from cloddiness and without any trace of coarseness.