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福州塔台,白鹭8801过远台。Fuzhou Tower, Xiamen Air 8801, over out maker.

成田塔台,ANA9963,34右跑道外等,听你指挥。Narita Tower, ANA9963, hold short of runway 34R, with you.

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这架大型客机正在向机场的指挥塔台呼叫。The air-liner was calling the control tower at the airport.

厦门塔台,白鹭8801,跑道05外等待,听你指挥。Xiamen Tower, Xiamen Air 8801, holding poing runway 05, with you.

如果是到场,当航机脱離跑道就要从塔台那儿接手管制。For arrivals, is given aircraft from TWR when vacating the runway.

成都塔台,学员001,跑道02外等待,请求进入跑道。Chengdu Tower, this is XY001, holding point rwy 02, request line up.

成都塔台,假日001,跑道02外等待,请求进入跑道。Chengdu Tower, this is 3HA001, holding point rwy 02, request line up.

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福州塔台,白鹭8801,03跑道盲降建立,听你指挥。Fuzhou Tower, Xiamen Air 8801, ILS of runway 03 established, with you.

塔台已清除出跑道,以便让他们起飞去执行一项计划内的飞行任务。The tower had already cleared them to take off on a scheduled mission.

首都机场塔台清水混凝土施工技术。The as-cast-finish concrete technology of The Capital Airport control tower.

按照失去进近程序爬高至…。米,在118.1联系塔台。Follow the missed approach procedure climbing to XXm and contact tower on 118.1.

在1992年,四座庄严的塔台被安置在看台的出入口。In 1992, four imposing towers were added to facilitate access to and from the stands.

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1946年,民航局宣布开启塔台用雷达管制民航飞机的实验。In 1946, the CAA unveiled an experimental radar-equipped tower for control of civil flights.

和航空塔台一样,技术员调度每艘船通过各船闸的所有动作。Like air traffic controllers, these technicians coordinate every movement of every ship through every lock.

一些雪场把雪枪安在高于地面的塔台上,让微粒有更多时间结冰。Some ski areas place the snow guns on towers high above the ground, giving the particles more time to freeze.

在上空滞留的飞机没有减少之前,空中交通指挥塔台已命令往外飞的客机继续推迟起飞时间。But until the backlog of flights in the air could be reduced, atc had ordered further delays of outbound traffic.

一天,一架切诺基180在塔台的要求下,等在跑道起飞等候线上,等待一架DC8降落。One day the pilot of a Cherokee 180 was told by the tower to hold short of the active runway while a DC-8 landed.

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1930年,美国第一个配备无线电台的塔台在俄亥俄州克利夫兰市地方机场投入使用。In 1930, the first radio-equipped control tower in the United States began operating at the Cleveland Municipal Airport.

这需要把3-6个塔台摆成一面交错的墙,对于常规单位来说,它是很难逾越的。This will require placing 3-6 turrets into an interlocking wall which is very hard to penetrate with conventional units.

有关官员说,从萨那国际机场起飞的这架飞机是在将要在莫罗尼降落不久前与机场指挥塔台失去联系的。The flight from Sana'a International Airport lost contact with controllers shortly before it was to land in Moroni, officials said.