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为了攫取一切有价值的东西,他们一次又一次的回来强取豪夺。Again and again they returned to plunder and ravage , to seize everything of value.

他们经历过全球战争、强取豪夺和帝国主义的压迫。They had experienced global warfare, dispossession and the oppression of imperialism.

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你不要依仗你父亲的职权势力对百姓强取豪夺。Don't take the advantage of your father's authority and force to take things from common people by force.

没有政治问责制,没有选举,普通民众对这种强取豪夺毫无办法。Without political accountability and elections, ordinary people can do little to change what amounts to property theft.

作为“黑日”犯罪集团的头目,骄奢淫逸的西佐王子热衷于强取豪夺银河系中的极品。Prince Xizor, the powerful and decadent Underlord of the Black Sun criminal syndicate, had a taste for the best the galaxy had to offer.

「陛下,」骑士回答,「我用你的名义强取豪夺了一整天,烧掉了你在西边的敌人的城市。」"Sire, " replies the knight, "I have been robbing and pillaging on your behalf all day, burning the towns of your enemies in the west. "

然而,当始终追求同一目标的一系列滥用职权和强取豪夺的行为表明政府企图把人民至于专制暴政之下时。But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism.

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当今大不列颠国王的历史,是接连不断的伤天害理和强取豪夺的历史,这些暴行的唯一目标,就是想在这些州建立专制的暴政。The history of the present King of Great Britain is usurpations , all having in direct object tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

当今大不列颠国王的历史,是接连不断的伤天害理和强取豪夺的历史,这些暴行的唯一目标,就是想在这些州建立专制的暴政。The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations , all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

世界将没有恃强凌弱,没有对无辜国家的强取豪夺,没有对妇女儿童的虐待和谋杀,也没有掠贫济富的重新分配。The world will be rid of bullying, of invasions of innocent countries based on blatant lies, of torture and murder of woman and children, of redistribution of income from the poor to the rich.

正如詹姆斯·麦迪逊说,“我相信仍存在很多当权者逐步无声地侵犯民众自由的例子,这些例子比暴力和突然的强取豪夺更为猖獗”。As James Madison said, "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."

我们必须要尊重个人,如果他公平地赚到钱,没有侵犯到他人权利,完全遵守了那两条公正原则,最初占有公正原则和转让公正原则,那么向他多征税就是错的,这无异于强取豪夺。We have to respect persons and if he earned that money fairly without violating anybody else's rights in accordance with the two principles of justice in acquisition and in justice in transfer, then it would be wrong, it would be a form of coercion to take it away.