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灰色,搭配橙色边饰。Grey with orange trim.

一堆灰色块状物。A pile of gray nuggets.

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她穿着灰色地衣衣。She was dressed in gray.

灰色椭圆形是小型飞船。The gray oval is a blimp.

所有东西都是纯灰色。Everything was plain grey.

这只灰色无釉的坛子。The jar was gray and bare.

每个人的头发都是灰色的。Everyone’s hair is graying.

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鼻子是黑色的或者是灰色的。The nose is black or grizzle.

这个和尚穿着灰色的僧袍。This monk wears a gray frock.

所有内容都为浅灰色。All in maddeningly light grey.

他背后躺着灰色的亚速尔岛Behind him lay the gray Azores

黑暗之中猫都是灰色的。Bll cats are grey in the dark.

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她的脸色变成灰色。Her face faded away into grey.

底毛为浅黄色或灰色。The undercoat is buff or gray.

我希望得到的灰色苯乙烯。I'm hoping to get gray styrene.

用灰色的大氅裹你外形。Wrap thy form in a mantle grey.

漫天里张着个灰色的幔。A gray curtain shrouded the sky.

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猫在暗中都是灰色黑暗中难分丑妍?。All cats are gray in the dark. ?

灰色的椭圆表示属性。Gray ovals represent attributes.

灰色部分为海洋和湖泊。Oceans and lakes appear in gray.