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打油茶,既简单又复杂。Gets in the tea-oil tree, both simple and complex.

有这四样,即可打简易油茶了。Has these four types, then got in the simple tea-oil tree.

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吃油茶,可以说是地域性的饮食习惯了。Eats the tea-oil tree, may say that was the regional food habit.

2005年2月5日,迪士尼乐园赢得了2个油茶奖项。February 5th, 2005. Walt Disney World takes home 2 more Thea Awards.

村内零零星星几幢房屋,还有满山的油茶。Sporadic blocks of houses in the village, there are mountains of tea.

景谷兴永桥油茶种植有限责任公司技术顾问组。Technical Consulting Group, Jinggu Xingyongqiao Oil Tea Company, Ltd.

吃油茶,需要慢慢品尝,少能品尝味道。Eats the tea-oil tree, needs to taste slowly, little can taste the flavor.

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酸食和油茶也就成了一种饮食习惯。The sour food and the tea-oil tree have also become one kind of food habit.

同时油茶还具有很高的药用价值、观赏价值、花蜜价值。Meanwhile, also has a high medicinal and aesthetic value, the value of nectar.

油茶壳可制成糠醛、木糖醇、活性炭等产品。The shell can be made into furfural, xylitol, and activated carbon and other products.

油茶是山茶科植物属植物油,我国是世界上油茶籽产量最大、品种最多的国家。Camellia is a vegetable oil, which is the world's largest varieties camellia oil in China.

普通油茶和攸县油茶嫁接亲和性差异不大。The graft compatibility was small between Camellia oleifera and Camellia yuhsienensis h. h. hu.

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就这样我们三人,冒着雪,他们每人手里拎着火鞭、油茶、蜡烛等祭品。At last, with the company of snow, both of them took some fireworks, oil-tea and candles and so on.

对油茶枯饼的脱毒和发酵技术进行了研究。The desaponification and solid state fermentation on oil tea camellia defatted cake were carried out.

本文是自1979年以来对15个油茶无性系进行选择培育的试验总结。This paper summarized the selecting and breeding of 15 grafted clones of Camellia orifera since 1979.

硬枝油茶、软枝油茶插穗扦插都可以成活,关键在于对扦插技术掌握的程度。Both hard branch and soft branch of Camellia oleifera can survive, and key lies in the operational skills.

从油茶饼粕中提取出质量合格的茶皀素,是综合利用油茶饼粕的前提。Extracting qualified tea saponin from the oil-tea cake is the premise of synthetically utilize tea-oil cake.

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他们也会把客人的一种特殊的饮料叫苏油茶,而有些人觉得很难享受。And they will also treat the guest to a special kind of drink called Suyou Tea, which some people find hard to enjoy.

用光学显微镜对茶组、油茶组和红山茶组植物共10份材料的花粉粒生殖细胞进行了形态观察。Morphology of generative cells in pollen grains of 10 plants of Sect. Camellia and Sect. Oleifera was observed with LM.

提出一些前瞻性的设想和建议,对当前种植和开展油茶的综合利用有指导意义。Several foresighted assumptive ideas and proposals to plant and utilize each variety of camellia oleifera are put forward.