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苏智诚颈项长瘤?Soh has a tumor on his neck?! ?

你有颈项痛或颈项强直吗?Do you have pain or stiffness in your neck?

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因为我知道你们是悖逆的,是硬着颈项的。For I know how rebellious and stiff-necked you are.

它的毛皮呈黄褐色,前胸后背与颈项的颜色要深一些。Its fur is yellow-brown, with a darker vest and collar.

他们就近前来,把脚踏在这些王的颈项上。So they came forward and placed their feet on their necks.

这样,他必作你的生命,颈项的美饰。So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck.

你们这硬着颈项,心与耳未受割礼的人,常时抗拒圣灵。You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears!

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应将二者常刻在你心中,系在你的颈项上。Bind them in thy heart continually, and put them about thy neck.

这一两件绣花的彩衣,乃是披在掳掠者颈项上的。A dyed embroidery, two embroideries, For the neck of the spoiler.

他必把铁轭加在你的颈项上,直到将你灭绝。He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.

女王拥有高高的颧骨、天鹅般的颈项,面部肌肤柔滑润泽。The queen had high cheekbones, a swanlike neck, and smooth features.

美的本质犹如鸽子颈项上的乳白光泽,飘忽即逝。Its nature is like opaline doves'-neck luster, hovering and evanescent.

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你的两腮因发辫而秀美,你的颈项因珠串而华丽。Thy cheeks are comely with rows of jewels, thy neck with chains of gold.

所以你们要将心里的污秽除掉,不可再硬着颈项。Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be stiff-necked any longer.

所以你们要将心里的污秽除掉,不可再硬著颈项。Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no longer stubborn.

他轻柔地按摩她的肩膀,颈项,让她的头靠在他的胸前。He kneads her shoulders and neck tenderly and let her head against his bosom.

现在我必从你颈项上折断他的轭,扭开他的绳索。For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.

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若你的孩子出现颈项强直或发烧起疹子,你就要去找医生帮忙。Call your doctor for advice if your child has neck stiffness or a rash with a fever.

头生的驴要用羊羔代赎,若不代赎,就要打折它的颈项。Redeem the firstborn donkey with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck.

他靠近她,温热的呼吸细细萦绕在她颈项处。He closes to her, the inhalation warming up is small and soft to linger nigh in her nape.