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这种情势必须得到扭转。This situation must be reversed.

你有没有做过什么使得情势更加激烈恶化?Have you done anything to exacerbate the situation?

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本周就看希腊情势和美联储会议.对美联储卖短债买长债的行动已有大量预期,市场可能已消化了不少.It's the Greece thing and the Fed meeting this week.

我们常常都会错误地判断人和情势。We all misjudge people and situations every so often.

前一个分子式的情势得到正式表述。The form. of the former formula is formally formulated.

可是此刻的情势绝对不同了。But the situation at the moment is absolute dissimilarity.

现在巴基斯坦的情势已经稳定,记者说,但是人们还是不知道为什么明显的面粉分配不均的问题任然存在。correspondents say it is not clear why apparent problems in

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她正处于恶劣的情势,被诱入洞穴的后面。He was in a terrible plight, trapped at the back of the cave.

如果你的攻击情势很好,你可能正走进一个埋伏圈。If your attack is going well, you have walked into an ambush.

段正淳明知情势极是凶险。Purus Duan knew full well that the situation was most perilous.

吉姆和苏西正在讨论巴基斯坦与印度的情势。Jim and Suzy are discussing the situation in Pakistan and India.

这个情势仅在牛津郡就影响了6000多人。The condition affects more than 6, 000 people in Oxfordshire alone.

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微笑在很多情势下是最锐利的武器。The smile is the most sharp-edged weapon under a lot of situations.

上百万人相信幸运符会改变情势。Millions of people believe that a good luck charm can make a difference.

年夜卫和我都不感觉他的路博润股票是以任何不法的情势采办的。Neither Dave nor I feel his Lubrizol purchases were in any way unlawful.

裂唇鱼似乎了解这个情势,因此牠们对待巡游者周到多了。Cleaners seem to know this and treat roamers better than they do residents.

在这种情势下,世贸组织的存在发挥了平和各方力量的作用。In situations such as this, the WTO's very existence is a calming influence.

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我认为首季的焦点将是欧洲情势.投资人开始更多地意识到他们面对的问题.I think the big focus for the first quarter will be what's going on in Europe.

嘉定汽车论坛——“汽车让生活更精彩”正是在这样的情势下应运而生的。Auto Forum of Jiading for a Better Society will be held under such circumstances.

正在仄居练习中,要教会正在复杂多变的做战情势下艰易定下决计。In routine training you learn to make difficult decisions in plex bat situations.