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角色与资源。Roles and resources.

尽量使用免费资源。Utilize free resources.

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子表达式产生的资源却不在其中。sub-expression are not.

事关资源的问题?A question of resources?

CEO的职责是分配资源。CEOs allocate resources.

人力资源验核。Human Resource Auditing.

我需要些什么资源?What resources do I need?

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并且要保护资源。how we obtain our energy.

选择最佳的资源。Chooses the best resource.

生命是一种稀有资源。Life is a scarce resource.

模型角色和资源。Model roles and resources.

请访问读书俱乐部资源网。Visit Book Clubs Resource.

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你拥有一些什么资源?What resources do you have?

但它们具有较多的资源。But they had more resources.

时间是你最有价值的资源。Time is grea'ter than mon'ey.

谁应该获得资源呢?Who should get the resources?

——密尼苏达州圣云公司人力资源经理。HR manager in St. Cloud, Minn.

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这是一个资源稀缺的世界。This is the world of scarcity.

资源通常是可解析的。Resources are often resolvable.

一切资源僵供渝民小镇之用。All Resources for VIC TOWN only.