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这种谷物是条播的。The grain was sown in drill.

本机根据科学种植方法,免耕条播小麦、玉米并施肥。According to scientific plant method, till-less, drilling wheat, corn and apply fertilizer.

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最后利用薄板样条播值函数完成弹性变换。Finally, the elastic transformation using smooth thin- plate spline interpolation is performed.

对大豆使用农田机械条播或用飞机撒播是有兴趣的事。There is interest in solid drilling or broadcasting soybeans either by field equipment or by airplane.

他把玉米和大豆单一种植的产量和把两种作物交互条播的产量进行了比较。He compared the yield of solid plantings of corn and soybeans with alternating strips of the two crops.

运用机器视觉技术实现条播排种器性能的自动化检测。The machine vision method was adopted to realize automatic detection of performance for metering mechanism of a drill.

以化学防除适期麦田杂草为研究对象,对利用条播作物的位置和纹理特征识别田间杂草的方法进行了研究。Take the weeds in wheat fields as the research object, a method of weed detection by using the texture and position features was studied.

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采用合理轮作,深翻土壤,宽行条播并辅以优学方法可以减轻以致根除菟丝于对大豆的危害。It was possible to decrease of exclude the harm of cuscuta on soybean with a proper rotation, deep soil, broad row drilling and chemcial method.

条播相对于散播,秧苗整体素质较好,易形成壮秧,产量较高。The seedling quality under drill seeding was better than broadcast seeding, under which the seeds grew into strong seedlings and had a higher grain yield.

以化学防除适期豆田杂草为研究对象,根据条播作物豆田作物行的间距相对固定的位置特征,利用像素直方图法确定作物行的中心行宽并识别行间杂草。A chemical controlling suitable period weeds in soybean field is simulated based on pixel histogram method to determine centor row width of crop-row and to recognize inter-row weeds.

与条播栽培方式相比,稻麦套种小麦花后地上部器官的游离氨基酸含量和籽粒蛋白质、湿面筋含量等主要品质指标均较低,二者差异显著。Comparing with CD, the free amino acid content and the main grain quality indexes including the content of grain protein, wet gluten and sedimentation of IP were significantly lower.