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但外籍高管的东行并非完全没有问题.But going east is not without its problems.

法国的外籍军团都是外籍人吗?France's Foreign Legion are foreign people ?

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迪克。戴隆是一位新来的外籍英语教师。Disk Dylon is a new foreign teacher of English.

当女孩购物时,外籍人出去了。While the girl was shopping , the alien got out.

有许多外籍人士的住房化合物金桥。There are many expat housing compounds in JinQiao.

我们欢迎外籍教师张大伟先生来校任教。We would like to welcome David West to our school.

我希望我们的外籍教师跟我一起去西塘。I wish our foreign teacher to go to Xitang with me.

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年龄在18—65岁、身体健康、遵纪守法的外籍人士。Healthy and law-abiding adults, aging from 18 to 65.

在这个国家外籍居民的孩子免费上学。In this country children of denizen go to school free.

特邀外籍运动员必须凭护照在特邀运动员检录区进行检录。Elite athletes shall go to the call room with passports.

老明戈特太太的两个外籍女儿成了一则神话故事。Old Mrs. Mingott's foreign daughters had become a legend.

深航从2002年开始聘用外籍飞行员。Shenzhen Airlines started employing foreign pilots in 2002.

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中国教师应消除对外籍教师和教学方法的恐惧。Chinese teachers need to stop fearing FTs and their methods.

我们的外籍教师们都住进了新的教师公寓。The teachers are delighted to be in their new accommodation.

外籍人生活形式也许没有声音能力例如。The Alien Life form might not have vocal ability for example.

外籍教师服从教学安排。Foreign teachers should obey the teaching programs of schools.

再加上一些优秀的外籍球员,比如卡卡和西多夫。Then there is the quality of foreigners like Kakà and Seedorf.

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珠海容闳国际幼稚园外籍教师。English Teacher of Zhuhai Yung Wing International Kindergarten.

公司共有外籍员工61名,专业技术人员55名。There are 61 foreign staffs in BHI and 55 are technical persons.

抛起一根棍子,你就会砸到某个想要找外籍教师的人。Throw a stick and you will hit someone who wants a foreign teacher.