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是放在心里?In my heart?

但他心里明白。But he knows.

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他心里这样暗忖。Thus he groped.

我在心里邪恶的YY。My in mind malign YY.

让人心里凉凉的。People feel the cool.

心里也酣畅了。Earned the heart also.

心里好难过!Heart good sad! ! ! ! !

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帕特和我心里都明白。Pat knew and I knew it.

你们的心里应该有数You should have a clue.

妈妈心里一咯噔。Her heart missed a beat.

他心里直扑腾。His heart was throbbing.

他的性命操在我的手心里。His life was in my hand.

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在你的心里全都想一遍。See it all in your mind.

我会把你放在心里!Ill keep you in my heart!

我高兴得心里怦怦直跳。My heart pounded with joy.

我现在心里一团乱。My mind is totally a mess.

亨利心里只想着一件事。Henry has a one-track mind.

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弥拉在心里猜测了一番。Mira made a guess mentally.

这句话深深的印在了我的心里。This word deep in my heart.

阿克拉在我心里是个恶魔。Akela is a devil in my mind.