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耶和华在每一场战役中都现身。Yahweh was present at every battle.

我们的“主”很快会现身的。Our Lord is coming very soon. Pastor F. M.

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甚至是动画艺术家罗伯特·克朗博都曾经现身过。Even comic artist Robert Crumb showed up once.

很快一个妖精从灯里现身了。Soon a genie manifests itself from the bottle.

史蒂文·乔布斯并没有现身公司的开发商会议上。Steve Jobs is a no-show at developers conference.

在资料现身的第一时间吃透他!Learn material the very first time it's presented.

接着他脱下道具现身,求她嫁给他。He then unveiled himself and asked her to marry him.

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为什么记录到这个时候才现身?Why were the records turning up after all this time?

第二天,和善的邦兹现身,并道歉。The nice Bonds showed up the next day and apologized.

而你,可怕的衰退先生,从瓦砾中现身。You, the dreaded recession, appeared from the rubble.

而且,柏拉图一直没有在对话篇中现身And yet Plato continues to not appear in the dialogue.

但是,像萨提亚的警察一样,这位文学学士最后也没有现身。But, like Satya's policeman, the B.A. failed to appear.

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德国斗鸡眼负鼠将现身奥斯卡。Cross-eyed opossum to join the Academy Awards Ceremony.

是的,在那久已远去的12月,天使们现身于印第安纳。Yes, there were angels in Indiana that long-ago December.

你知道,这是她的现身,说这是麦莉赛勒斯。You know, it's her coming out, saying this is Miley Cyrus.

在英国一家独立电视台的荧幕上,憨豆先生第一次踉踉跄跄现身。Mr. Bean first blundered on to television in an ITV series.

恩多战役一个月后,古丽再次现身。Guri surfaced again about a month after the Battle of Endor.

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又或者,她就是以女超人的形象现身该剧?Also, was she supposed to be a version of Supergirl ?— DarcyEW.

他也并非每次现身公众场合时都身着新衣。Nor is he seen wearing something new every time he is in public.

王子的现身在蒙卡拉马里俘虏中激起了希望。The prince's presence stirs hope among the captive Mon Calamari.