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死机了。It crashed.

它总是死机。It keeps crashing.

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如果投影仪死机了怎么办?What if your projector dies?

还在为你的计算机为什么老是死机而困扰吗?Wondering why your computer just crashed again?

就是现在奔四的脑子有点儿不灵活接近死机,写不动了。And my brain now is clumsy now, so I can't write.

电脑又死机了——不会是病毒在作祟吧?The computer is freezing up, again -- is it a virus?

蓝屏死机,连比尔盖兹他自己都不知道发生什么见鬼的事了。Not even Bill Gates knows what the hell is really going on.

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我想倒出我脑子里的想法但是电脑却死机。I want to get something out of my head but the computer freezes.

我就快要写完我的作业了,可我的电脑死机了。My computer crashed when I was almost finishing with my project.

把别人的电脑屏保换成蓝屏死机图。Install the Blue Screen of Death screen-saver on someone's computer.

把别人的电脑屏保换成蓝屏死机图。Install the Blue Screen of Death screen-saver on someone’s computer.

一日上电脑课,有一排同学的电脑死机了。In the first computer class, some row of schoolmate's computer halted.

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人的生活有时就像电脑,说死机就死机,没得磋商。Life is sometimes just as puters, said crash will crash, not negotiable.

抱歉,我异国及时给你回德律风,因为我的手机死机了。I am sorry Ihaven't replied to you sooner, because my phone is on the fritz.

你可以看到一个蓝屏死机,而只是按X或O恢复设置。You may be presented with a BSOD, but just press X or O to restore settings.

修正射钉枪重击爆头后死机的问题。Fixed occasional crash after scoring a critical hit in the head with a Railway Rifle.

正在那阳秋三月,秋意浓浓、死机勃勃,意味着我们该有一个崭新里貌。Yang Chun, in this March, spring thick, vibrant, which means that we have a new look.

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另外到目前为止,我在使用Ubuntu10.10上网本版本的时候已经遇到很多次的死机了。Also, I've experienced a lot of crashes using the Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10 so far.

预报器停止错误屏幕,这就是有名的“蓝屏死机"。The precursor to the stop error screen, which became known as the 'Blue Screen of Death'.

之后,您的蓝屏死机邮件应该可以看见,直到您重新启动手动。After that Your Blue Screen of Death Messages should stay visible until you restart manually.