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她用雄健有力的笔触绘画。She paints with bold strokes of the brush.

她以颇为动人的笔触形容了自己的思想和生命。She describes her mind and life quite movingly.

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今天,我们很欣赏这种似乎不循章法的笔触Today we venerate this seemingly unruly brush strokes

他以极具感伤力的笔触描述了饥饿的痛苦。With touching pathos he described the pangs of hunger.

它有一个软笔触完成,是一种体形蓝色。It has a soft brushed finish, and is a gunmetal blue color.

你的笔触会是怯懦的还是大胆的?Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold?

宣纸上的笔触是一种代码,正如同数码技术一样。The brush on rice paper is a code, just as digital technology is.

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在旅途中,翻开书册,逐页累积笔触。On the road, I opened my book and accumulated my strokes page by page.

细处来看,更小的画笔笔触也有相似的效果。At a more granular level, the smaller brush strokes have a similar effect.

克拉加特是邪恶的,不过他对于毕利的憎恨,是一种用细微的笔触处理的感情冲突。Claggart is evil, but his hatred for billy is a subtly stated ambivalence.

他的动机来自于他种种强健的笔触和混乱。His motif emerges from various kinds of his nervous brush-stroke, from chaos.

用硬笔触画笔涂掉你不想模糊的区域,比如嘴唇,眉毛,鼻孔,皮肤褶皱,等。Step 5 Step 5 Use a hard-edged brush to paint away areas you DON'T want to smooth.

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限量版画册专辑在画布上,手饰包括笔触。A limited edition giclee print on canvas, hand embellished including brush strokes.

冯峰的画面笔触,同样充满书写的随意性。Feng Feng's brush strokes are also full of the accent of randomness in calligraphy.

在这幅画作中,画家用白色的笔触抽象地表现雪花。The piece consists of white brushstrokes as abstract representations of snowflakes.

轻松的笔触、极简化的造型,表达了河野纹子一颗随意的心。With lively strokes and minimal shapes, Kawano Ayako expresses her unbending heart.

大肉身藉由大画面上的绘画性笔触的挥洒运动来排解其局限性、身体上的孤立感。When painting the big-size canvas, the body is moving and having dynamic drawing style.

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一个作家在写作时,如果总是用相同的笔触,那他的作品就会变得单调乏味。Often when a writer writes with the same persona all the time, they get very monotonous.

尽管笔触残忍,战争还是给这个迷人的城市增加了一个维度。Although a touch ghoulish, the war has added an extra dimension to this fascinating city.

它用真实的笔触、逼真的图片记录了风云动荡岁月中的上海。It uses a real brush strokes and vivid images recorded in FY-turbulent years in Shanghai.