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牌面有十个牌点的扑克牌。A polyhedron with ten faces.

关于赌场中扑克牌桌的示例The Casino Poker Table example

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我想学怎么打扑克牌。I want to learn how to play cards.

牌面有十个牌点的扑克牌。A playing card with ten pips on the face.

如同扑克牌中的孤注一掷。Kind of like going all-in on a poker hand.

今天我学了一个新的扑克牌游戏。Today I learned a new game called IDK war.

我们要开始玩扑克牌了,你要亮出你所有的底牌,而我不打算亮出任何一张牌。"We're going to play poker, " Phillips says.

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他喜欢打扑克牌到很晚。He liked to play Poker cards until very late.

萨姆吹嘘说打扑克牌谁都赢不了他。Sam boasted that he could beat anyone at poker.

我们的场景都是在打扑克牌,Our set is going to be covered in playing cards,

我随便插回那叠扑克牌中。I casually plug it back in the pile of playing cards.

我们必须用扑克牌做一些皇冠,and I have to create a few crowns with playing cards,

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你已经好多年玩接龙的扑克游戏时不用扑克牌了。You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

在玩扑克牌时作弊,因此引起一场打斗。A fight broke out because that scumbag cheated at poker.

扑克牌或索引卡-用来收集水银珠子playing cards or index cards- for collecting mercury beads

所以,我们的道具都要用扑克牌做,so all our props are going to be made out of playing cards

或者玩一手扑克牌并通过同花顺来调情。Or play a hand of poker and flirt over your straight flush.

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打扑克牌是一种消磨时间的好办法.It's a lot of fun. Playing cards is a lovely way to kill time.

让我们进一步编写扑克牌求值程序。Let's go one step further and write a hand evaluator for poker.

有一两秒钟,我们俩都坐在那里,就像在打扑克牌什么的。For a second we both sit there, like playing cards or something.