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迟早,这些附加设备的成本会转而摊派到每个消费者头上。Sooner or later, those additional costs will have to be passed on to customers.

但是这么大的增加很难摊派,政治策略上考虑也很难通过。But such increases are laborious to arrange and politically difficult to push through.

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我们的晚年生活需要一份合适的保障计划,这份计划应该从50岁开始就实行强制摊派。We need a proper insurance scheme for care in later life, with compulsory contributions from age 50 onwards.

权利的摊派和秩序的维护被交付给两位老士兵,老朋友——格涅乌斯庞培马古纳斯和加伊乌斯朱利叶斯凯撒。Power is shared and order maintained by two soldiers, old friends, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and Gaius Julius Caesar.

整个欧洲正在迅速进入摊派时刻,化解危机还是被危机耗干,接下来便能一见分晓。Europe is fast approaching the moment of truth that will reveal whether it can solve the crisis or be consumed by it.

第三,坚持了农民自愿参加的原则,绝对不搞强行摊派。Third, we have adhered to the principle of voluntary participation farmers, absolutely refrain from forcibly assessed.

第三,坚持了农民自愿参加的原则,绝对不搞强行摊派。Third, the principle that peasants participate in voluntarily that have insisted, do not force an apportionment absolutely.

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此设备摊派制动对所有四个车轮行动,以防止锁定,并确保在所有情况下对汽车的完全控制。This device apportions braking action over all four wheels to prevent locking and ensure full control of the car under all conditions.

任何机关或者单位不得以任何方式向农民或者农业生产经营组织进行摊派。No government department or unit may, by any means, make apportionment among farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations.

各地区和有关部门加大了对乱罚款、乱收费、乱集资和各种摊派的查处力度。Every region and related ministries increased the investigation and penalty for irrational fines, fees, fund raising and illegal contribution.

向企业和个人集资建设公路,必须根据需要与可能,坚持自愿原则,不得强行摊派,并符合国务院的有关规定。Incomes from transfer of rights for collection of toll from highways according to the provisions of this law should be used for construction of highways.

可以说目前对商品房价格影响最大且最不规范的是各类名目繁多的收费、摊派。It can be said that the current prices of commercial housing for the greatest impact and most types of shops are not regulated charges, and apportionments.

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而水利建设中的经费问题,则主要以按户等摊派、鼓励富户出资与政府低息或无息贷款等方式来解决。And the fund was raised by apportioning according to family rank, encouraging rich family to donate, and interest-free or interest-low loans from government.

推进税费改革,清理整治乱收费、乱罚款和各种摊派,切实减轻企业负担。Efforts should be made to advance the tax reform, sort out and curb indiscriminate levies, fines and apportions to effectively reduce the burdens of enterprises.

任何组织和个人不得侵占、挪用义务教育经费,不得向学校非法收取或者摊派费用。No organizations or individuals may take illegal possession of or misappropriate such funds, or illegally collect fees from schools or apportion fees among them.

并且从历史脉络中观察,说明强迫摊派源于各种历史和制度的因素,它的发生并不限于1950-52年,也不因为1953年的禁制命令而完全绝迹。For deep-rooted historical and institutional reasons, the practice of "forced distribution" was not isolated to 1950-52 and persisted even after being banned in 1953.

在“剿匪”的口号下,那些自己曾是名副其实的土匪的地主们组织了还乡团,并向各村摊派枪支捐。Under the slogan of "fighting bandits, " the landlords, who in reality were ex-bandits themselves, organized a Home Returning Corps and placed a rifle tax on all the villages.

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贵州频繁的战乱给战区人民造成了巨大的经济损失,而随战争而来的各’种人力、物力摊派更把广大人民逼到了造反的边缘。Frequent wars in Guizhou caused huge economic losses to people, and along with the war, all kinds of manpower and material resources apportion compelled the masses risen in revolt.

在许多行业中,实习生们想给上司留下好印象并急于得到一份工作,大多时候他们会对摊派的任务乐此不疲,即使他们对如何操作一无所知。Across many different industries, interns wanting to impress their supervisors and get a job offer sometimes say "yes" to assignments even if they have no idea how they will accomplish them.

即使是女主人公的妈妈,一个会骂福利女皇的怪物,在与玛利亚凯利扮演的社工摊派时也会有反常举动。Even the heroine's mother, who is such a monster she could give welfare queens a bad name, gets to make her case in a perverse way during a showdown with a social worker played by Mariah Carey.