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瑞吉儿家今晚正在举行乔迁庆宴。Rachel's having a housewarming tonight.

如果标准契合,配偶即乔迁而来。If they meet her standards, mating will follow.

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乔迁是人生中数得上的几个重大场合之一。Moving is one of the few big occasions in life.

他们搬进新屋后很快就会举办乔迁派对。They had a house-warming as soon as they moved in.

她兴许想送我们一件乔迁礼物呢。She'll probably want to send us a housewarming gift.

乔迁在即新家入住应注意哪些问题?On the move soon to be home to the attention of what?

他们搬进新屋后很快就会举办乔迁派对。They had a house-warming party as soon as they moved in.

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第二天定为这对新婚夫妇乔迁的日子。The next day was appointed for the removal of the new-married couple.

这是我到任半年以来第二次出席中资机构的乔迁仪式。This is the second such event I attended during my six months in London.

1986年,喷鼻港安利总部乔迁至铜锣湾万国宝通银行中间。In 1986, the Amway head office moved to the Citicorp Centre in Causeway Bay.

这个周末我和赫拉克勒斯一道去参加了朋友在湖上举行的乔迁庆宴。Hercules and I went to a friend's housewarming party on the lake this weekend.

房子是1843年开始盖的,第二年全家乔迁新居。Construction began in 1843, and the family moved into the new house the next year.

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开一个乔迁宴会是迎接新、老伴侣的绝好体例。Holding a housewarming party is a good way to welcome new and old friends to your home.

也就在全家乔迁新居时,吐温的身体戏剧般地好转了。About the time the family moved into their new home. Twain’s health improved dramatically.

当强卫听说桑德海正在乔迁新居时,高兴地向桑德海表示祝贺。When Qiang Wei Sang Dehai heard their new homes are on the move , happy to Sangde Hai said.

我们在2005年底,乔迁到三里屯同里3层,但仍旧保持着原有的风格,和实惠的价位。Formally moved into Tongli Studio's in Nov. 2005, the previous price and original style remain.

但是你听说过因为校长乔迁新居所以学生放假吗?But have you ever heard that the students had holiday because the schoolmaster moved to new house?

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我老婆和我刚刚乔迁新居,很大,我们的孩子降生后,都住得下。My wife and I have just moved into a new home, big enough to accommodate our new child when he is born.

他们认为一旦他们乔迁新居,开始了新的工作,旅行或者退休,他们就会幸福。They think that once they move into the new house, start their job, travel or retire they will be happy.

现代人在喜庆时也放烟花,如婚礼和乔迁新居。In modern times Chinese people set off fireworks on celebrations such as a wedding or moving to a new home.