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他从来不喝烧酒。He never drinks spirits.

在第一摊的时候,我们不断的喝著烧酒。At first place, we drank Soju again and again.

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我们不需要这麽做啦,兄每周都会来一次,以后我们还可以一起喝烧酒。It will be okay if we get to drink soju together later.

我们这里还有二锅头、竹叶青,口感和韩国的烧酒差不多,而且价格也便宜。I want to drink two pots of very much, can we can not buy here!

由椰子果肉与树液制成的烧酒等烈酒也很受欢迎。Also popular are spirits such as arrack, made from coconut pulp and tree sap.

诸位,今天给大家介绍一种国际著名的烧酒——苦艾酒,这种酒可是天才画家梵高还有神笔写手海明威的钟爱之物,也是他们创作的源泉。Today we’ll tell you how to make absinthe, the legendary drink of Van Gogh and Hemingway.

那位老先生也不甘落后,为我从他们家乡的土烧酒中调配了一杯猛烈的潘契酒。The old gentleman, not to be behind, brewed me a strong punch out of their country spirit.

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所谓灵魂的铅块便是由啤酒、烧酒、苦艾酒这三种酒的烈性构成的。It is of these three vapors, beer, brandy, and absinthe, that the lead of the soul is composed.

荷娜手上的石膏终于拆掉了,崔元说今天得吃辣鸡爪和烧酒庆祝。Her hands of gypsum finally torn down, said cui yuan eat spicy chicken feet and shochu celebrate today.

布依族人会酿酒、好饮酒。其酿制的酒有糯米酒、刺梨酒、白烧酒等。Buyi people like drinking and are adept at wine-making including glutinous rice wine and roxburgh rose etc.

我们这里还有二锅头、竹叶青,口感和韩国的烧酒差不多,而且价格也便宜。We still have Erguotou and Zhuyeqing, Which are the same taste with wine from Korea, and they are very cheap.

到了后半夜,路边小吃摊会提供烧酒,韩式风味的米饭,是一个价廉物美的饮酒场所。Later in the evening, pojangmacha serving soju, a Korean spirit made from rice, are the perfect place to drink on the cheap.

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屋台一般会营业到黄昏,并为夜食者提供日本米酒和当地的烧酒,以及一些福冈特色小吃。Yatai open around dusk and offer diners the opportunity todrink sake and shochu with locals and sample Fukuoka's specialties.

舒儿猛灌着烧酒,辣的她一把鼻涕一把泪,呛得不住的咳嗽。The snug son is drastic apt infuse apt blaze wine, hot of she a nasal discharge is a tears, the Qiang must no live of a cough.

磊花烧酒是客家人在继承和发展小曲米香型白酒生产过程中博采众长、自主创新的成果。Leihua distilled liquor was developed by Hakkas through the inheritance and innovation of traditional Xiaoqu rice-flavor liquor.

除了酒吧掀起米酒热,日本传统的烧酒业也在近两年发生了显著的变化。日本烧酒是用大麦、甘薯和砂糖制成的蒸馏酒。Even more remarkable has been the revival of shochu, a distilled spirit which can be made from barley, sweet potato or cane sugar.

第一种说法,起源于诏代,在唐代文献中,烧酒、蒸酒之名已有出现。The first scenario, originated in fabricated generation in the tang dynasty literature, liquor, steamed the name of the wine has appeared.

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钟勋和美香约会,一杯烧酒下肚的钟勋说今晚要跟美香在一起,可才一会,钟勋就醉的不省人事了。Zhong Xun and sweet appointment, a glass of wine down Zhong Xun said with mei xiang tonight, but only for a moment, Zhong Xun drunk unconscious.

她看出这流氓给他带来的危险。他不仅流氓成性,而且那天晚上又喝了烧酒。She saw the risk she was in from a ruffian, who not only was such by profession , but had that evening been stupefying , by means of strong liquors.

此外,麒麟啤酒公司从3年前开始在中国国内销售加苏打水的烧酒,鉴于该产品的销量不断上升,麒麟啤酒公司计划增加在中国国内生产的产品种类。Kirin Brewery will produce more varieties of shochu distilled sprit-based liquors locally, as their sales have been growing steadily over the past 3 years.