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就弄个外带盒子就好了,问题解决啦。Just get a to-go box. Problem solved.

一个男人甚至点了一杯琴酒与可乐外带。One man ordered a rum and Coke to go.

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这幢房子外带一块菱形草坪。The house has a diamond-shaped lawn with it.

今天我们的外带食物只有春卷。We only have spring rolls today for take-out.

我想要外带一个二道菜的套餐。I'd like to have a two-item combo to go, please.

门厅里一股子清煮白菜外带破草垫的味儿。The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats.

恩,能给我们三份巧克力慕思外带吗?Uh, can we have three chocolate mousses to go please?

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这道菜外带一碗汤或者一份色拉。您想选哪一个?That comes with a soup or salad. Which one would you like?

我经常要一中杯外带中杯双攒浓缩珍果拿铁咖啡。I usually order a medium soy latte with hazelnut syrup to go.

还来得及到拐角处去洗个澡——土耳其式的蒸汽浴,外带按摩。Time to get a bath round the corner. Hammam. Turkish. Massage.

汤尼每天回家的路上都会外带一杯奶茶。Tony always buys a takeout milk tea on his way home every day.

不明物体——中餐外带盒里的那些是什么?Unidentified items — What is THAT in that old Chinese takeout box?

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当我把人往外带时,东方钢铁工业的消防人员赶到帮助我们。While I was taking people out, Sidor's firefighters arrived to help us.

不明物体——中餐外带盒里的那些是什么?扔掉吧。Unidentified items — What is THAT in that old Chinese takeout box? Toss.

我们不用买外带食物,我已经带了在家做好的午餐了。We don't need to buy take-out. I packed homemade lunches for us already.

他现住在一个免房租的三卧室别墅,外带游泳池。He now has to live rent-free in a three-bedroom villa, complete with pool.

现在你可以用外带的容器买各种容量的咖啡。You can buy coffee today in several different sizes of takeout containers.

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互帮互助,帮助你学习中文外带杭州话,帮助我学习英语。I think that we will help each other and get a great process in language skill.

可见肺外带胸膜下结节,与肺裂相关。Subpleural nodules are visible peripherally and in relation to the major fissures.

HRCT显示肺外带边界不清的结节形毛玻璃样阴影。HRCT shows ill defined nodular areas of ground-glass opacity in the lung periphery.