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移植工具。Porting tools.

不仅如此,它编出来的软件是可移植的。It was also portable.

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罂粟经不起移植。Poppies do not transplant well.

这些结果提示移植的HB1。These results suggest that HB1.

他们移植了那些秧苗。They pricked out the seedlings.

将IE6移植到更多的平台Get IE6 ported to more platforms

这种植物不宜移植。The plant doesn't transplant well.

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有些植物不宜移植。Some plants do not transplant well.

完成所有C代码向SPW系统的移植。Transplanting all C codes into SPW.

XIP移植的杂项更新。Miscellaneous updates on XIP porting.

它们可以移植在肺里面。They could be implanted on the lungs.

今天我们要移植醉仙桃。Today we're going to repot Mandrakes.

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他不能做冠状动脉旁路移植术…He'll never be able to endure the cabg.

还没有人对这些应用程序进行移植。No one has ported that application yet.

阈值移植不以时间为基础。Threshold migration does not base on time.

移植时用催肥肥料。When transplanting use starter fertilizer.

clj-haml是从Ruby的HAML库移植过来的。clj-haml is a port of Ruby's HAML library.

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我把那些花移植到花园里。I transplanted those flowers to the garden.

周围血干细胞移植术。Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.

园丁移植了一些花苗。The gardener set out some flower seedlings.