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这个子囊看起来像一个单一的细胞。The ascus looks like a single cell.

子囊群形成果实体。Groups of asci form fruiting bodies.

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累计子囊孢子成熟的百分比在不同程度上一天的积累。Graph showing the maturity of ascospores over accumulated degree days.

孢子囊,精子囊无籽植物,菌类植物和藻类植物的。A sperm-producing organ occurring in seedless plants, fungi, and algae.

孢子囊,精子囊无籽植物,菌类植物和藻类植物的孢子囊。A sperm-producing organ occurring in seedless plants, fungi , and algae.

高级真菌包括子囊菌纲,最大的真菌纲。The higher fungi include the class Ascomycetes, the largest class of fungi.

组成地衣的菌类多为子囊菌,也有担子菌类。Usually the fungus is an ascomycete but occasionally it is a basidiomycete.

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在真菌子座的头部含有子囊,子囊内藏有孢子。The head of the child seat in fungi contain ascus, ascus containing a spore.

种子囊的突起对寄主的选择起着决定性的作用。The convexity of the seed capsule is of decisive importance in host selection.

对人类有利的子囊菌包括块菌,酵母和产青霉素菌。Ascomycetes of interest to humans include truffles yeasts and Penicillium species.

研究了诱导酵母子囊孢子产生的营养条件。This paper reports the nutritional conditions affecting yeast's ascospore formation.

本文所研究的过氧化氢酶是由嗜热子囊菌胞外分泌产生。Extracellular catalase secreted by Thermoascus aurantiacus was studied in this thesis.

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然后不同交配型的原配子囊相遇才发生融合。And then put in different mating type Ascomycetes encounter occurred before integration.

乌灵参是子囊真菌黑柄炭角菌菌核,临床使用颇为广泛。Wulingshen is the Sclerotia of ascus fungus black Xylaria, which is widely used in clinical care.

真菌领域的研究主要集中于子囊菌及其分类和方法问题。Her mycological focus is ascomycete microfungi, and their taxonomic and methodological challenges.

对子囊菌及半知菌引起的多种作物病害有优异的防效。Of ascomycetes and imperfect fungi cause a variety of plant diseases has excellent control effect.

小麦抽穗前后,子囊壳成熟形成子囊孢子,传播至正在开花的小麦穗部引起侵染。The conidia which sporulated on wheat head spread to sorghum, maize and rice growing in the field.

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组织学检查可见许多子囊飘浮在大的囊肿内。Histological study of the lesion showed a cyst with many daughter cysts lying free in the cyst fluid.

地衣真菌通常是子囊菌,有时在地衣中也能发现其他两类真菌。Lichen fungi are usually ascomycetes, although the other two higher fungi are sometimes found in lichens.

苜蓿假盘菌最适宜产生子囊盘的培养基是V-8碳酸钙培养基和苜蓿汁培养基。The results showed that V8-CaCO3 and juice of alfalfa culture medium were the best medium for apothecium.