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烟盘旋上升。The smoke spiralled up.

鸟在天空中盘旋。Birds wheeled in the sky.

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天空兀鹰盘旋。The condors glide in the sky.

盘旋在崇山峻岭之中。floating over lush mountains.

一架直升机在头顶盘旋。A helicoptor circled overhead.

机场上空盘旋。He circled over the aerodrome.

他在小型机场上空盘旋。He circled over the aerodrome.

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迷宫,扭转和盘旋。Labyrinths, whirls and spirals.

这鸟在它的鸟窝上空盘旋。The bird hovered over its nest.

鹰盘旋着飞上了高空。The eagle spirals up into the sky.

飞机绕着小圈盘旋。The plane flew around in a circle.

就在天上盘旋着,低头往下看。And hovered above it, looking down.

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道路盘旋于山谷之中。The road weaves through the valley.

听并且盘旋壁虱或十字架?Listen and circle the tick or cross?

克莱尔的低声呼唤常在我耳边盘旋。Clare’s low voice is in my ear often.

它们有时做旋转动作和盘旋动作。Sometimes they did spins and spirals.

一架飞机正在森林上空盘旋。An airplane was swanning over a forest.

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让飞机在上空盘旋悲鸣。Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead.

树林中升起盘旋的青烟。Swirls of smoke rose through the trees.

这条山路在山腰盘旋而上。The path twists up on the mountainside.